Why it's Important to Express Yourself

Hello my beauties! 
        OK so for today's post I want to talk about following your heart when it comes to expressing yourself, and why it is so important. I am going to use an example from personal experience. At age 24, I was in an unhappy living situation and began experiencing depression and ended up developing a thyroid problem as well, which resulted in me gaining nearly 200 lbs in a year and a half. This sudden and extreme weight gain really took a toll on my self esteem, and this started to prevent me from expressing myself at all. I stopped wearing my favorite jewelry, styling my hair, wearing clothes I wanted to wear, and even stopped wearing makeup...all things I adore doing and really needed to do to creatively express part of who I am. This caused me to be in such a sad state, shoving down and away my desires and creativity. Life got duller, because I believed I was too big and what was the point if nothing would look right on me anymore. I kept telling myself that I would start to wear everything I wanted to again, once I was 'skinny'... and then it would look right on me. I stashed away all the perfumes I wanted to wear, and only let myself wear a squirt if it was a very special occasion, I didn't wear my favorite pieces of jewelry since I wasn't done up so it wouldn't look right unless I was all done up anyways, and didn't touch even certain makeup and beauty products...saving them for when I was 'skinny'. Eventually I got into a better life situation and started to heal emotionally, and began to toss over in my head that it was actually alright to do these things again, even though I still haven't reached my goal weight or body yet. I said what the heck, and dove right in and reached for all my favorite items to start wearing and using again. Boy did I really feel much better and happier that I did make that decision. And you know what? Now those mostly-full bottles of perfume are old, the makeup is bad, and the jewelry I don't feel attached to anymore. And now I feel bad that I wasted them! But I quickly learned my lesson here, and to not do this again, not hold back what I really want to to and express myself. I wasted precious time (and products) when I could have been enjoying myself using them.
        So if you want to dye your hair purple and have always wanted to dye your hair purple, then do it! If you want to wear a bikini then wear it out and feel free! If you have always wanted to wear black nail polish but was afraid of what others would say, just do it! DO IT ANYWAYS. Most of us have something that we have been wanting to try out or wear or do for a while but have held back from either fear of others opinions, or lack of confidence and worthiness to express yourself. You have to just go for it....stop making excuses why you "can't" or "shouldn't" because you think you are too old to try this trend, or think you're too big, or you think you don't have the right face shape, who cares! Try it out and experiment with your creative style and have fun with it - life is too short not to. You will feel so beautiful and free expressing your true self, which makes one very happy. Also, your bright light will shine so that it helps to uplift and inspire those around you do to the same! They will think, if she can do it, then so can I. Happiness can be contagious too.Trust me you will feel much better! 
        It is very important to your spirit that you do not hold back...because when you do hold back is where problems start, because you are not letting yourself do what you want to do and be who you really are. How suffocating is that? You become irritated and shut down, and this stagnant energy builds and overflows and can turn into a myriad of health problems, relationship problems, and even career and financial problems. Not expressing yourself creatively and fully can even be considered a life block and you don't want to keep tying yourself down. Let your inner and outer beauty shine by making life choices in the direction of your passions and expressing your personal style with zest! This is so healing to the soul. 
        Ok so that is the end of this, I hope this post was inspiring to you and that you learn from my example. Please don't hold back anymore! Express who you really are. It will not only make you feel better, but help and inspire others around you as well. It is like unclogging a drain in bathtub, once you pull that blockage out, things in your life will start to flow naturally and more easily. So I encourage you do do at least one thing that you've always wanted to do. You can do it... it will be fun!!! Thank you for checking this blog out today and hope to see you next time!
        Sending love and light,


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