How to Feel Beautiful Without Wearing Makeup

Welcome back everybody!
        OK so for today's post I want to talk about how to feel beautiful without wearing any makeup. Totally bare and natural. Whether you are a makeup junkie or not, every woman should know how to feel beautiful no matter what. So lets talk about how to do that.
        I remember when I was a tween and started wearing makeup. I partly started to wear it because a boy in my class made fun of my appearance (I had very bad acne and sudden weight gain from the PCOS plus braces), and I wanted to feel beautiful. The other part is the beginnings of my being a makeup artist, and loving playing with the colors and textures. Once I began to wear it on the regular, I was afraid to leave the house without it. I thought I looked so different...not pretty. I would even wear it to the gym or outside walking my dog if I thought I might been seen. And let me to you, people making comments on how different I looked without makeup did not help either, especially as a sensitive teen! I took those "you look so different"s as "you look ugly" which of course fueled the fire and made the fear of being seen at all without makeup stronger. It wasn't until I was in my twenties that I started not to care whether or no I was seen without makeup on. Nobody really cares! And I learned how to know that I am already beautiful, so no one else's opinions mattered. 
        How I learned to do that is by really pointing out my favorite features and from that learning to love the rest of me. It is a step by step process, depending on the extremity in which you do not find yourself beautiful. Baby steps. Makeup does help to enhance and bring out your best features, and I did feel truly beautiful with makeup on, so I took this knowing to replace my inner beliefs of not being beautiful at all with "I KNOW that I am already beautiful". You have to start somewhere positive, even if right now you just find one thing about yourself beautiful. Start with one feature and once you are ready to get out of your comfort zone, learn to love another feature and then another, etc. Before you know it, you will feel totally free and beautiful just as you are! If you try, and work on your self healing, you will get there. And if you are surrounded by people who really love you, they don't care if you're wearing makeup or not...I remember once telling a friend before meeting her at a restaurant that I didn't have time to put any makeup on beforehand and she said "yeah, I really don't care" ha! 
        It all goes back to self love. Loving yourself and your body and bare face no matter what. Accept your features for what they are, don't condemn them. Start to go outside of your comfort zone and see what happens. You'd be surprised at how fearless you feel once you realize no one really cares if you are wearing makeup...and neither should you. People are not going to shun you if you aren't wearing any. And I know it sounds cheesy, but do affirmations: "I am beautiful, no matter what" ... "I know that I am beautiful". Try saying them out loud when you are alone, like in the car or bathroom. You know that if you cannot say those words fully and sincerely, then there is still work and healing to do; you want to achieve being able to say those words with 100% truth and confidence. What's wrong with being confident? ;) 
        Alrighty folks, that is it for today's post. I hope that I gave you some insight on how to feel good in your own skin no matter where you are. I know that it is a hurdle for many women to face, especially with todays pressures on being beautiful and done up all the time. You don't have to be done up at all if you don't want to! It is all up to you my dears. Thank you so much for stopping by and see you next time!
        Sending you Love and Light,


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