You Are Not Your Weight

Hello again everyone!
        For today's post I want to talk about perspectives on weight, and how we let that affect how we view and define ourselves. This is certainly a topic that I have personally struggled with the most, out of all my topics so far, since I was a preteen. Unfortunately many other people also share my struggles with weight, especially since it's such a focus topic in our society, whether it's discussing the struggles and trying to find solutions, or praising and idolizing other's for their "perfect" bodies. The term "weight loss" still may catch your eye, but now relates to high hopes and disappointments, since we have tried it all, and no permanent solution has worked. But with a glimmer of hope and yearning desire to lose weight, you try again. I know, I've been there too! The endless cycle of trying and failing, making you start to think and believe that your ideal weight is truly impossible to achieve. But I've recently have come to some realizations with my own spiritual growth around this topic, and I want to share them with you to help speedway your path to healing. There is so much more to it! And there IS hope! 
        I'm trying to think back to where my obsession with my weight began. I picked most of my insecurities up from TV, movies, and magazines. The message that I got from those all those years ago was: you are worthless if you are fat. Yes, that is very harsh. But it is what I really thought, or at least translated to from what I saw and read. I carried this belief with me from then on. There IS this whole perception out there in our society that you do and should get treated better if you are "thin and attractive". It may be subtle or obvious, but it's there. And that is where the whole cycle of trying and failing to achieve the weight you desire starts. With a belief that gives you low self esteem to begin with, a standard. Now whether or not you tune into and are influenced by that is your choice. So its like you are facing up against a wall that is just never going to come down. So you are going to have to go around it. See your situation, your weight and body from a different point of view. Not this negative, putting down of the self, belief and standard about your worth, your ability to lose or gain weight. And that is where we begin. Well first off, recognize where and what your true beliefs are about your weight are and where they originated from. Then identify with how unhealthy and unproductive they are. Just like how I did with really pinpointing that the core belief around my weight was "I am worthless if I am fat"... no matter how raw and harsh it may seem, it's important to really dig deep and pull the obstruction out of you. 
        Now the next step is to start to realize and learn that anything is possible. Anything is possible. When I looked in the mirror recently and saw that I had gained some pounds, for the first time my reaction was a calm "it's OK, I can lose it". That is HUGE for me. My whole life I had ingrained in myself that it was truly impossible to lose weight. The fact that that was my true reaction was such a big milestone. Especially since my reactions to weight gain were always panic and self hatred. My weight was something I thought about every single day, and not in a good way. I no longer let myself be defined by my poundage, I am not worthless because I am "fat". And I am not "fat", I was just going through different health challenges and lifestyle changes that caused weight changes. You see? I am not my weight...THAT is what is meant that you are not your body and how much you weigh. And like I've said in my past blogs (Check out "Love Your Body") its all about truly, 100% loving yourself unconditionally.           Those are the keys that open the doors to all the possibilities that you have, not only to your body and weight, but to your whole life and hearts desires. Loving and accepting the soul inside, INSIDE OUT. And then you know what happens? You start to raise your energy, and from there you begin to attract all the right people, places, tools, and information you need to achieve the weight and body you desire. Solutions come more easily when you are positive, and not stuck in old negative programming that you have been in for years, and you can rise above those and see all the other possibilities and perspectives. That is what happened with me and how I came to this realization. Once I learned the true reasons why I wasn't losing weight, it became possible to fix and change them, and not stay in some huge disappointing impossible mystery of why the pounds weren't coming off. Finding the right health care practitioner is also very important. In my case, I didn't have much knowledge on the health condition I had, so I couldn't treat it properly. I also eventually found someone who let me know I had other conditions that weren't recognized by previous health care experts, so he was able to further address those issues that contributed to controlling a healthy weight. So it wasn't even my fault the whole time, and I had been beating myself up for years thinking I was weak and forever stuck! That's why it's SO important to love yourself, see!
        So know that there can be fixable and treatable reasons why your body is having difficulties. Every person's situation is so unique, but anything is really possible. You just need to get out of the cycle of negativity and self blame and hatred. As always, start within. Even go on forums and chats if you know what your health condition is and read up and talk to others who have had success. If you don't know of any conditions or simply don't have any conditions but still struggle with accepting and loving the weight you are at, start with self love and go from there, and try to believe that anything is possible. The practice of self love is more powerful and trans-formative than it may seem. Also the belief of anything is possible is very freeing. It literally frees your mind from limitations that weigh you down and keep you from making moves towards your heart's deepest desires and even healing. So I just really want you to take from this that you are not defined by your pounds or even your body, and that you are truly a limitless vessel for your dreams. So be brave, give these new ideas a try, and watch the magic unfold in your life. And don't feel guilty for being stuck for so long, it is simply a matter of shifting views, which before now may have never been taught to you, so it's not your fault! But now the knowledge is in your hands, and knowledge is power. I really hope that I inspired you and gave you true hope in your situations. Thank you so much for reading and I will see you next time!
        Sending you Love and Light,


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