Ways to Feel Beautiful

Welcome back my loves!
        How did your lists go? (Check out previous blog for details) They went well I trust ;) OK so for today's post, I'm going to talk about how to feel beautiful. Some of these may sound obvious, but they are important to keep up to have your self esteem know that you are worth it. Here is an example of what I mean by that. At one point in my life, I had totally stopped taking care of myself in favor of stress, chalking it up to "I didn't have time or money", leaving my spirit depleted of the beauty and self care it craved. It wasn't until then that I realized how very important it is to feel beautiful, and once I started taking care of myself again, I lovingly and enthusiastically nourished my spirit back. It feels SO good to relish in caring for yourself and expressing your own creative beauty. And I am going to help show you how to do that.
        Well first off, find out (if you don't already know) what types of beauty and spa-like treatments you really like. Do you truly enjoy getting your hair done? Having someone else care for you while you lay back in the sink as someone massages the shampoo in your hair? Do you just love the pretty colors you get to select as someone paints your nails? Or do you love getting totally pampered by a relaxing massage treatment? Find out which sort of "professional" beauty treatments you love. And start doing them again! Even going once a month if money is an issue, then you can look forward to going once a month then! They key is to make time and start. This will make you feel so rejuvenated and beautiful. 
        Now for at home self care rituals. If you've fallen out of touch with those routines, get back into them. You deserve to. Try giving yourself an at-home facial or do one of those masks....they are super inexpensive and fun! I recommend getting into a solid skin care routine, your soul and face will thank you for it. For after bathing, go to the store and pick up your favorite scented body lotion and take time to really enjoy rubbing it into your skin after you bathe. The scent will uplift you and the care will help you feel clean and beautiful. Pull out your favorite jewelry pieces or go shopping for some and start wearing em! Enjoy how pretty they are and how beautiful you feel wearing them and expressing yourself. 
        Make sure you wear clean clothes and wash your pillowcases often, it will help prevent breakouts. Like I said, cleanliness and good hygiene sound obvious, but you'd be surprised at how many people let these go when they are really down in the dumps. Wear your favorite piece of clothing or accessory...enjoy the colors and whatever else you love about that item of clothing and rock it! ENJOY feeling beautiful in it! Another suggestion is to go out and buy some new makeup, doesn't have to be anything fancy, just something that makes you happy and feel good, a simple clear lipgloss will do. You can also schedule a makeup lesson at a cosmetic counter if you need help learning to apply your makeup. Start wearing your favorite perfume again...perfumes have a way of making a woman feel so feminine and put together. Of course if some of these do not apply to you, like you prefer to go au natural and no makeup then wonderful! Proudly rock that natural beauty my love! These are just some general suggestions for everyone.
        Alright that is it for today's post I hope that you gained something from this or I just re-jogged your desire to totally and completely indulge in self care and beauty rituals, because you ARE worth it...this is your life and your body, treat it with the graitude and nourishment that it needs to not only survive, but to THRIVE!!! If you have any questions or comments write them in. What are your guys' favorite part of your bathing routine or beauty rituals? I personally love washing and exfoliating my feet at home and getting pedicures too. I would love for everyone to share theirs! Thanks so much for coming to my blog :)
        Sending you Love and Light,



  1. I love painting my toenails...Red!

  2. Red is a power color...love it! Thank you SO much for sharing Hilary! Sending love and light, Rebecca


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