Beauty Standards and Comparing

Good morning sunshine!
        OK so for today's post I want to talk a little bit about beauty standards and the media. With all of the new beauty breakthroughs in products that make women look flawless, plus filters and airbrushing, we get to see the end result in magazines and through the internet of what these women "look like". And of course we all know that these women are airbrushed and have the top professional makeup artists and "glam squads" with them all the time, keeping their printed version looking quite literally flaw-less...but it still sticks in our minds as we continue to see them everywhere, and the ego of the mind can't help but comparing yourself to them. This has caused a lot of damage of the self esteem of women everywhere. This standard has been raised so high with today's technologies that it has become just totally unrealistic. And that's the damage; using unrealistic standards to compare yourself to and try to achieve, and then defining yourself as "less than" or "ugly" when you fail to meet those standards. What a painful belief to carry around about yourself...which bleeds into even more damaging beliefs including those of worthlessness, guilt, and shame. I can feel the pain and separation of these women due to these unattainable standards. So it is now time to start healing this unhealthy way of living and thinking to find inner self love, beauty and confidence.
        I want to talk a little bit about the actual women themselves. They are the models, actresses, and singers in the public eye. Did you know that only like 10% of the WORLD'S population have women that were born and built like these tall and super thin models? That's a very very small amount of people. So don't feel bad! It's not even fair to compare yourself to something that only a small amount of people were born with, right? It is their natural build of their bodies. Just like your natural build is, it's just what your natural build don't make it "wrong". When you think about it this way, it shifts your perspective. You and your body are not "ugly" or "fat" just because you don't look like these totally built different people. And of course like I mentioned before, on top of that, these women can afford to pay the best nutritionists, athletic trainers, skin care therapists, hair stylists, and makeup artists to help them look how they do. It is also part of their jobs to do so. Many of them feel the pressure as well, and looking like they do, STILL don't feel beautiful or adequate enough.  If you don't believe me that these women still don't find themselves beautiful, look at how many hurt themselves and have eating disorders. And I don't mean that in a harsh or judgmental way at all, it is something that is known in Hollywood. It all goes back to self love, like I've been teaching in my previous posts, and if you haven't read those on self love I recommend checking those out. Also these printed versions of these people, some of them are literally even fake. Digital airbrushing has changed the color of women's skin tone, added breasts, takes out blemishes, slimmed bodies, whitens teeth and much more. You've most likely heard of some of the stories and their outrage coming out into the news. NOBODY actually looks like that! It is fake. These are regular women who you are seeing that look like you and me, believe it or not, but have been treated with digital transforming and top beauty professionals. That is the truth. 
        So lets start there. With realizing that what are you seeing everywhere isn't realistic and some it not even real at all. So next time you catch a glimpse of a "perfect" woman on the cover of a magazine, say "nobody actually looks like that" IF you start to compare yourself and feel bad...that's what I've been doing, and I feel better instead of spiraling into self criticism. But not in a negative a simple "this isn't real" way. The goal is not to spread negativity with negativity, but the begin healing with positivity and gratitude. And send yourself some appreciation and love. See your own beauty, truly look at how cute you are, how your eyes sparkle, or how you have a nice smile. You will feel much better. Come on, we can do this together, I can't do this all alone, I need your help. No more separation with this, love is strength and healing. 
        That is it for today's post on this topic for now...I feel there is more to say and will return with that at another time. But this is a good place to start. I would love to hear your guys' comments on how if you agree on how the media has changed beauty standards. I hope to have helped you start to heal with this perspective. And remember, you are beautiful inside and out!
        Sending you Love and Light,


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