Beauty, Beauty, Everywhere!

Hello there everyone!
        OK so for today's post I want to talk about seeing beauty everywhere, and how this helps you see it in yourself. When you compliment or notice how sweet, generous, or pretty someone is, that is a part of you that is recognizing qualities that you already have. It is like because you acknowledged that that quality even exists, it is your soul mirroring something in you. Haven't you ever heard the saying that what you can't stand about someone else is a reflection back on you? Same thing goes with positive qualities. Think of it in such a way this conversation goes... like if you have ever heard a friend say to you or someone else that "Oh that woman is so beautiful" but then you say to them "Well so are you!" and they respond with confusion or even rejection, "No, but thank you". Yes, yes they are beautiful too. Do you see what I am trying to say here? Because they even pointed this aspect out of someone, it's a reflection back on their true nature, hidden to themselves or not. 
        So now that I've explained what I mean when I say that what you notice about someone else is mirroring parts of yourself, we are going to talk about how you can see this in yourself. Really pay attention when and if you do this is your daily life. Even if the beauty you are noticing is on a celebrity. Feel that connection to the beauty that you are making. And accept this truth. Acceptance of even good things about yourself can sometimes be difficult too, from maybe parents or friends that didn't treat you well. Negative or traumatic past experiences can make you forget and deny these beautiful parts within yourself. So now we gotta dig them out again. Bring them to the surface. Have you re-learn and KNOW that you are beautiful, just like every thing beautiful around you that you recognize in others. And when trying to make this connection and accept it as part of you, but feel like "no, this is not true of me" I want you to then ask yourself why. Why don't you accept that you are beautiful like this person you are admiring? Ah ha. This is where healing enters. You are confronting and popping open the can of worms that's been blocking your full acceptance of all the loveliness that is and has been inside of you all along. Try and pinpoint reasons if you can. And now you know that this is something you need to work on. If you are really feeling fearless, then when you feel denial when you ask yourself why you don't feel beautiful too, go there. Say yeah...why not?! I AM beautiful! And from there on accept that truth. That is one way of starting on healing your beliefs about yourself. And if you haven't already, I recommend checking out my blog post that also helps with this, titled: A Simple "Loving Yourself" Tool! This will also help you on your self love healing journey. Really doing your own inner work is vital for complete self healing. No one can do it for you. So I encourage you to do some soul searching and fearlessly dig deep into your personal blocks. You can do it!
        Ok so that is it for today's post. I hope this made sense to you, since these topics can sometimes get a little abstract. But the point I was trying to make is that so many people compliment and admire wonderful things about others, but refuse to see it in themselves. Including myself, I've been there too. I had an experience when introducing my mother to my friends and I said that I have such gorgeous friends, and one of them said to me "well so are you Rebecca!" and I felt a tinge of rejecting what she said. But this made me really think, and I began to question why I was rejecting this. It was made clear to me after doing much thinking that I had some self love issues still lingering. So that experience inspired me to write this post. I hope you gained something from this and learn from my examples. So next time you admire how loving, peaceful, or gorgeous someone is, know that you are too. Alright thank you all so much for reading! Until next post!
        Sending you Love and Light,


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