Celebrate your Feminine Beauty!

Hello Lovelies!
        OK so for today's post, I want to talk about celebrating your feminine beauty. REAL feminine beauty. Not in either extremes like sex symbols or the opposite of not having any feminine qualities at all. True femininity. Us women are very strong and magical people. We are nurturing, yet we can and know how to set and keep clear boundaries. We are sensitive and intuitive, yet hard workers. We are loving and gentle, and soft, but strong. Within each of us, we carry the wisdom of the past experiences from our sisters and mothers who walked before us. Yet we are all each connected naturally and deeply to the earth, and Her healing and intuitive guidance. And this wisdom and love creates our beauty. It is now time to start honoring and celebrating, even teaching, this deeply spiritual aspect of our feminine selves. No more letting it be stashed away from the fears and orders of our masculine counterparts. And I don't literally mean the men in your life, I don't intend to blame anyone. I'm talking about the masculine energies of our past ancestors and societies that have overtaken our society today in the extreme celebration of masculine qualities only. For our earth to survive and heal, we need to establish a balance of both the masculine and feminine and work equally together in harmony...and celebrate both! Do you see where I'm coming from here?
        So I want you to really start appreciating and honoring this, it is part of who you are. First of all, see it! Take notice of your own personal feminine qualities and attributes, and notice them in others. Even compliment other women on how kind, loving and strong they are. Positively and lovingly spread this celebration of the Feminine within each of us. See how beautiful you were created. Be grateful for your hair, your voice, your body and everything that makes you a beautiful feminine goddess. Celebrate this by wearing a flowy dress that you feel beautiful in, expressing your beauty by indulging in putting your makeup on or doing your hair all girly. It is OK! Enjoy being who you are, inside and out. Lovingly accept yourself EXACTLY as you are, and don't be afraid to show the world. Do it with pride and gratitude, confidently never holding back. You are allowed and are actually supposed to express all of your feminine beauty. This light of yours is needed in the world. 
        And if you are a female but tend to have some stronger masculine qualities, it most certainly does not mean that you are not feminine, or that you need to be more girly, that is not what I am saying. We all have some masculine qualities within us, and what may be more at the surface for you is probably for a good reason. Maybe you are meant to have those qualities, so you could use them in your career in which you need them to help people and our society, with your unique feminine aspect which is also needed. Or maybe you had bad past experiences, or have lessons to learn. There could be a million reasons why you have those qualities stronger than others. The point is to not shut out that you are a woman. Recognize your nature, and express your unique soul and individuality as a woman.
        OK so that is it for today's post. I hope that you learned something from this, and I want you all to know that you are beautiful. Beauty comes within and is expressed on the out. I know this post was a little different from what I've been doing so far, so I hope that you get what my messages are here and that it was helpful to you. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comment section, I am happy to help and support you on your journey to self healing. Thank you so much for stopping by, I appreciate it and you! See you next post!
        Sending you Love and Light,


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