Enhance Your Beauty Without Feeling Overwhelmed

Welcome back beauties!
        OK so for today's post I want to talk about how to enhance your natural beauty without feeling overwhelmed. Nowadays with all of the pictures and videos on Pinterest, Instagram, Youtube and other social media outlets we get to see the immense creativity and beautiful looks that people come up with. Most of these are so artistic and breathtakingly beautiful works of creative expression in the makeup looks, outfits, nail art and other types of expression. This is and can be very inspirational, and make you want to try those out or start your own style. But these can also be discouraging if you are trying to look exactly like the person in the picture or video (or do a recipe!). Also if you feel that you want to buy the products the person says they used, but then come to find out they cost more than you can afford. And this is where some people can really get down on themselves when they do not come out looking as they had hoped. So I want to talk a little bit on how NOT to come out trying beauty trends feeling discouraged and how to enhance what you already have. 
        OK so first off, I want you to honestly evaluate your skills on makeup artistry. Are you beginner, somewhat experienced, or well experienced? Are you naturally artistic at all? That is a key point too. When I worked in cosmetic retail, I would wear out elaborate makeup looks, and the customers wanted me to teach them how they could do it on themselves, and then got discouraged when they couldn't. I would then try to explain to them how I am literally an artist, I went to college and studied art in painting and drawing, so the looks I do come easily and naturally to me, and it wasn't fair to compare themselves or feel down when they couldn't copy what I did on the first try. Now I'm not saying that you have to be a super gifted artist to do good makeup, but it does help one to learn makeup much faster. So if you are not artistically inclined, you can still learn how, it just takes a lot of practice, patience, and time so you need to be prepared for that. So start with baby steps, and then work your way up. You can even schedule a makeup lesson at a cosmetic counter so they can do a hands-on lesson for you and show you and give tips on how to apply. Start small. Just do the easier parts of makeup, like doing a one color eyeshadow and some mascara, not a full liquid liner cat eye. Keep doing the simple looks until you've mastered those. And you don't have to use expensive products either...they're are SO many inexpensive, but good quality drugstore beauty products out there. If you really want to get a high end product, save up and choose wisely. And once you fee like you've mastered the easier looks, add a more challenging part of the makeup routine, and then another and so on until you've practiced and went out of your comfort zone. Before you know it, you'll be doing makeup looks you never thought you could do! Believe in yourself, and don't be so hard on yourself either.
        Now I want you evaluate your skin. Do you have a skincare routine? What kind of skin do you have? If you are unsure, stop by a spa and have a facial. The esthetician will analyze your skin and be able to tell you what type you have. She will also give you tips and recommendations on the types of products you can use to treat the skin you have, so you can achieve the skin that you want. Because good makeup always starts with good skin. And listen to her, or whichever skincare expert you see. I am also a licensed esthetician... we do this because we love to pamper people and love making them feel beautiful with clean healthy skin treatments, and we go through specialized training not only in beauty school, but whichever spa we work at that gives us training on the product line we use in the treatment room. I say this because many clients wouldn't believe me when I tried to tell them about their skin and give recommendations, they thought my recommendations were unnecessary, timely, and too costly, and that I was only doing it to make money. But us skin care experts have specialized knowledge and experience in skincare, so we know what we are talking about, trust us. And follow through, do your recommended skincare routine daily, you will feel so much more rejuvenated and cleaner, and you skin will be healthier and clearer. Again if you are a beginner, let your skin care therapist know that you may get overwhelmed easily with too many products, and she will work with you on what you will be comfortable with using. Baby steps, one at a time. And once you get into the habit of a solid skin care routine, you won't be able to do without it! Skin care can be fun too!
        So I want you to start simple with all of these. It's like going to the gym, you can't go in on the first day doing the heaviest weights and toughest workouts and expect to be in perfect shape right away...it takes time, practice and patience. And get excited about it! Praise yourself when you accomplish the easy looks. Have fun experimenting with what looks and feels right on your face. Try not to get overwhelmed...it's makeup, it comes off! Talk to other professionals in the beauty stores and see what you can learn from them. You can do your research online too for products that you need to apply more easily, like googling what the easiest eye liner to apply is, or eyeshadows that look natural and go on smoothly. Don't be afraid to ask for help. I hope that this helped you out and inspired you to try if you were feeling discouraged. Thank you all so much for coming and I hope you are here to stay. Until next time!
        Sending you Love and Light,


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