The Best Protective Crystals

Welcome all! 

So today I want to share with you what I consider the top most protective crystals for shielding and energetic protection. This is coming from what I've learned from my research and from personal experience with my own intuitive guidance. Good energy protection, clearing, and overall energy management practices are essential to empaths, healers, and other energy sensitive people. You are one of these types of people if:

  • You easily can sense others emotions.
  • You feel down and you can't figure out why/shake it off.
  • Others look to you for upliftment, then leaving you feeling drained. 
  • Having the sense of wanting to move forward but energetically feel stuck.
So if you feel like you fit into this range, then working with and using protective crystals will be very beneficial to you, and will help to keep you balanced on a daily basis. Now we can dive into the details of how this is going to work and what you need to do to start your relationship with crystals, and about how this relates with getting in tune with your own personal energy.

So most black and dark stones are considered protective. Many people prefer to use crystals like amethyst, citrine, clear quartz, and others for protection, as they do have their own energies for shielding and other magnificent healing properties. And those may work best for them, but in my experience, for real hard core protection for a super sensitive soul like me, they didn't work for me in that way. Those crystals worked better for me in other ways. Citrine in particular I found to get very negatively fiery and then burn out quickly, leaving a nasty outpour of energy, if I tried to use it for shielding. Also it needed to be cleansed way too often because of that reason. But what works for me may or may not work for you. So if this works for you, then go for it! Everyone has their own needs and gifts at different levels, so I understand that my way and information may not resonate with everyone.

Placement and Usage

I like to put my crystals in a mesh pouch in my bra, so that the crystals get close to the skin- but you can also keep them in your pockets too. You can mix, add in or take out whichever crystals you need when preparing your energy shield for the day. Sometimes throughout the course of the day I will take one or two out that I feel have absorbed too much negative energy or that I don't need for the rest of that day. You can decide which crystals to use through your intuition. For example, sometimes in the morning when going to pick which crystals to use, I will be guided to just have selenite alone with me as my protection crystal for that day. It may not be clear why, so just follow the guidance you are given. Once you establish a relationship with your crystals and learn how to tune into your energy, this process will become much easier, faster, and more clear.

The Importance of Making Sure Your Crystals are Cleansed

I must stress how important it is that you make sure any crystals and stones you work with before using them are energetically cleared! And that is extra important for protection crystals used for shielding because of all the negative and harsh energy they absorb as shields. If you try to use your crystals for protection without making sure they are cleansed first, then not only will they not protect your energy, they can actually 'taint' your energy, because you don't know what they've picked up, and you will end up re-absorbing energy that is not positive for you. No, you want your crystals to be clear of everything that they have picked up, so that their energy contains the healing, positive, protective vibrations that they naturally emit. Like I said, once you begin working with your crystals regularly, you will be able to sense when and how they need to be cleansed. Use that beautiful intuition! 

How to Cleanse Your Crystals:I have already written a previous blog post on how crystal healing generally works and all the different ways you can cleanse them here:

My 14 Most Protective Crystals: 

Below I have listed what my 14 favorite crystals are for energy protection. I mostly summarized and condensed information from Judy Hall's "The Crystal Bible" a source which I resonate with and where I learned pretty much all my crystal knowledge from. I highly recommend to get your own copy- she has 3 volumes of it so far, and they are great as reference to keep around. Each of the crystals have a lot more properties to them than I'm listing here...I've just condensed what was said about what kind of protection properties each have to make it easy for you.

*The terms "grounding", "rooting", and "anchoring"  are used a lot in these descriptions. To clarify, to ground or anchor your energy means to increase balance and stability in our physical and emotional state, providing strength while also  providing an outlet making the release of (negative) energy easier, and allows the attainment of higher spiritual levels.

Black Tourmaline

  • Cleanses, purifies, and transforms dense energy into a lighter vibration.
  • Grounds spiritual energy.
  • Clears and balances all the chakras.
  • Forms a protective shield around the body.
  • Protects against cell phones, electromagnetic smog, radiation, psychic attack, spells and ill wishing, and negative energies of all kinds.
  • Connects with the root chakra, grounding energy and increasing physical vitality, dispersing tension and stress
  • Helps to clear negative thoughts.

  • Strongly protective stone, forming a shield against negativity.
  • Provides a grounding cord from base chakra to the center of the earth.
  • Absorbs negative energies from the environment
  • Strengthens in times of need.
  • Blocks psychic attack and removes negative spiritual influences.
  • Repels negativity and disperses unloving thoughts .
Pyrite (AKA Fools Gold)

  • Excellent energy shield.
  • Blocks out negative energy and pollutants at all levels.
  • Protects all subtle and physical bodies, deflecting harm and danger.
  • Blocks energy leaks from the physical body and the aura. 

  • Protective stone, a bringer of light.
  • Deflects unwanted energies from the aura and prevents energy leakage.
  • Forms a barrier to negative energies shed during therapy.
  • Removes other people's projections, including thought forms that have hooked into the aura.

  • Particularly effective at grounding and protecting.
  • Dissolves negativity and prevents negative energies from entering the aura, restoring peace and harmony to the body.  
Smokey Quartz

  • One of the most efficient grounding and anchoring stones and at the same time raises vibrations during meditation.
  • Protective stone has strong link with earth and base chakras. 
  • Grounds spiritual energy and gently neutralizes negative vibrations, blocks geopathic stress, absorbs electromagnetic smog.
  •  When it comes into contact with negative emotions, it gently dissolves them.

  • Highly protective, especially at a psychic level.
  • Helps you discern when outside influences are at work within yourself and shuts off psychic manipulation and undue mental influence.
  • Cleanses and stablizes the aura.
  • Extremely effective against computer and electromagnetic stress.
  • Draws off negative energies and stress of all kinds.
  • Cleanses, purifies, dispels, and reorganizes anything within the body that's not in perfect order.

  • A calm stone that instills deep peace and is excellent for meditation or spiritual work.
  • Because of it's high, pure, and angelic vibration it is protective, cleansing, healing, and never needs clearing.
  • Pure selenite is a link to the light body, helping to anchor it in and the earth vibration.
  • Can be used to form a protective grid around a house, creating a safe and quiet space that does not allow outside influences in. Use internally in corners of the house. 
 Onyx and Jet

Onyx (left)
  • Strength giving, provides support in difficult or confusing circumstances and during times of enormous mental or psychical stress. 
  • Mental tonic that alleviates overwhelming fears and worries.
Jet (right)
  • Draws out negativity and alleviates unreasonable fears.
  • Worn around the neck, stone of protection.
  • Guards against violence and illness and provides protection during spiritual journeying.
  • Used in olden times to protect from "entities of darkness".

  • Has the ability to banish evil and negativity and to direct spiritual energies.
  • Excellent grounding and protecting stone, keeping out undesirable influences.
  • Psychologically gives courage and teaches how to avoid dangerous situations by strategic withdrawal and flexibility.

  • Because Kyanite does not hold negativity and never requires cleaning, it's a good protection crystal.
  • Tranquilizing and a powerful transmitter and amplifier of high frequency energies, stimulating psychic abilities and the intuition
  • Instantly aligns the chakras and subtle bodies, clearing the pathways and meridians.
  • Stabilizes the biomagnetic field after clearing and transformation.
Tiger's Eye

  • Protective stone that was traditionally carried as a talisman against ill wishing and curses.
  • Combines the earth energy with the energies of the sun to create a high vibrational state that is nevertheless grounded, drawing the spiritual energies to the earth.
Petrified Wood 

  • Deeply rooting stone.
  • When filled with fear, panic, or anxiety, you will be grounded and stable because of its calm energies.
  • Fills you with feelings of security, stability, and well-being.
  • Remove survival based fears, including financial and physical. 
  • General protection, wrapping you in a  warm, gentle loving embrace that will make you feel secure and reassured.
And that's it folks! My top protective crystals. Feel free to explore how each of these work for you, and any other ones that I haven't listed here... there are thousands of thousands crystals out there that you can do so with, so have fun with this! There are so many other crystals used for protection by many different people, so I am curious...what do you find works best for you? I would like to hear your experiences with protection crystals, so leave a comment down below. Thank you so much for spending time on my blog today, and I hope to see you next time!
       Love and light,


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