Eating For Your Chakras: Fruits and Veggies for Soul and Body Healing

Welcome everyone!
     If you are directed to this post from my freebie Healing Beauty Meditation, then you are in the right place. And to everyone else, welcome to the blog! Happy to have you join us.
        Today I want to share with you some of the fruits and vegetables that correspond to each chakra that you can consume for some nice replenishing, balancing, and healing work for your chakra system. I am only mentioning fruits and veggies (particularly raw) and not all foods because of the incredible healing powers that raw foods have. FOOD IS MEDICINE. And raw fruits and vegetables literally contain life force energy in them, since they are fresh from the earth. So this is very beneficial since the chakras ARE energy, and a nice, fresh dose of life force energy in the form of food corresponding to the chakras is very replenishing energetically and physically!
        And like I said, food is medicine. Fruits and vegetables contain many real vitamins and minerals, and important nutrients that the body requires for good health. Plus they contain so much water, and water also life. In comparison with packaged snacks and meals that most of the time has zero water...which means NO life force energy. As a matter of fact, the chemicals in such foods are long term harmful for the human body; even those " 'enriched' vitamins and minerals". See the difference? Fruits and vegetables were made to support us, nourish us, and help us to thrive in good health while fueling us with good fuel like a well oiled machine.

        Now this is not meant to make you feel bad if you do regularly consume foods that are not fruits and veggies, or try to convince you to be vegan or anything. This is simply sharing what I have learned through my research as well as personal experience to provide you education so you can have the option to view food differently and perhaps consider more of what you put into your body. Healing from the Inside Out! Now lets get into the chakras.

Root/ Base Chakra
        This chakra is the first chakra that is located at the base of the spine. It corresponds to your connection to the physical world, to the earth. Finances, home, stability, feeling secure... the things that take root in your life. So, root vegetables such as potatoes, beets, ginger, turnip, garlic are great for grounding energy that balances the root chakra. And any red fruits or veggies like cherries, pomegranates, apples, strawberries and tomatoes are excellent choices for this chakra.

Sacral Chakra
        The sacral chakra is the second chakra in the system, and this chakra deals with emotions, sexuality, experiencing pleasure, and creation.  It is located just below the naval. Orange foods like carrots, melons, oranges, peaches, nectarines, persimmons, pumpkin, sweet potato, cantaloupe, orange peppers, and mangos would all be great foods to help balance and heal this chakra.

Solar Plexus Chakra
        This chakra is the third in the system, and corresponds to self esteem, personal power, and worthiness topics and is located a bit above the belly button. The solar plexus is strongly connected with the sun, so sunny foods that are both orange and yellow will work. Foods like grapefruit, bananas, lemons, pineapple, apricots, papaya, mango, peaches, yellow pepper, corn, and butternut squash are all acceptable choices that will resonate with the solar plexus chakra.

Heart Chakra
        The heart chakra is the fourth chakra and it deals with relationships and emotions like love, forgiveness, and hope. As you can guess, it is located in the center of the chest near the physical heart. So green vegetables like spinach, kale, celery, avocado, cucumber, green beans, broccoli, asparagus, and lettuce are very nourishing for the heart. Green fruits work as well such as kiwis, pears, green grapes, green apples, honey dew melon, and watermelon.

Throat Chakra
        The fifth chakra is the throat chakra and it is located in the middle of the throat. This chakra is all about communication and self expression. Being able to speak your truth without fear, and to communicate clearly and lovingly. Blue foods like blueberries are the best for the throat chakra. Other kinds of berries like elderberries and raspberries would work too, and although not blue, berries are very nourishing for the throat and energies of the throat chakra.

Third Eye and Crown Chakra
        The sixth chakra of the third eye is located right between the eyes on the forehead and resonates with indigo colors. The third eye is about intuition, imagination, and seeing the truth. And the crown chakra is located on top of the head and resonates with purple and white colors. The crown is about connection to spirituality, and feeling deep inner peace, faith and trust in whichever Source you believe in. So fruits and vegetables that are the deeper blues and purples correspond with these two top chakras. Foods like dates, eggplant, figs, grapes, plums, purple cabbage, prunes, cauliflower, and white onions would be great for the third eye and crown chakras. And because these chakras are the highest of the seven, they don't require as much because they are lighter in vibration, so juices and smoothies of any raw fruit and vegetable combination would be efficient in treating these top two chakras.

So this is a basic and general overview of the chakras and which foods that are best to help with bringing each and all of the chakras back into a healthy balance and alignment. Of course, always use YOUR intuition as to what to have when considering how to best fulfill your body's needs. Everyone is different and has certain reasons for why they are out of alignment, so following your own personal guidance always takes priority. So please feel free to use this guide as a starting tool, to help familiarize yourself with the chakras and focus on healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle, so you can feel good inside and out!
    Lots of love and light,


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