
Showing posts from September, 2016

Enhance Your Beauty Without Feeling Overwhelmed

Welcome back beauties!         OK so for today's post I want to talk about how to enhance your natural beauty without feeling overwhelmed. Nowadays with all of the pictures and videos on Pinterest, Instagram, Youtube and other social media outlets we get to see the immense creativity and beautiful looks that people come up with. Most of these are so artistic and breathtakingly beautiful works of creative expression in the makeup looks, outfits, nail art and other types of expression. This is and can be very inspirational, and make you want to try those out or start your own style. But these can also be discouraging if you are trying to look exactly like the person in the picture or video (or do a recipe!). Also if you feel that you want to buy the products the person says they used, but then come to find out they cost more than you can afford. And this is where some people can really get down on themselves when they do not come out looking as they had hoped. So I want to talk a l

Beauty, Beauty, Everywhere!

Hello there everyone!         OK so for today's post I want to talk about seeing beauty everywhere, and how this helps you see it in yourself. When you compliment or notice how sweet, generous, or pretty someone is, that is a part of you that is recognizing qualities that you already have. It is like because you acknowledged that that quality even exists, it is your soul mirroring something in you. Haven't you ever heard the saying that what you can't stand about someone else is a reflection back on you? Same thing goes with positive qualities. Think of it in such a way this conversation goes... like if you have ever heard a friend say to you or someone else that "Oh that woman is so beautiful" but then you say to them "Well so are you!" and they respond with confusion or even rejection, "No, but thank you". Yes, yes they are beautiful too. Do you see what I am trying to say here? Because they even pointed this aspect out of someone, it's

Compliment, not Compete

Welcome back on this beautiful day everyone!         OK so for today's post I want to discuss how and why it's important to compliment other women, and not feel the need to compete with them. I know, I know that I am going to sound like a broken record here, but it all goes back to unconditionally loving yourself, and I am going to explain why in this post. When I was about 14 years old and really started getting into beauty and trends, I remember noticing how pretty the other girls in the class looked with how they did their hair and the accessories they wore, and got a little jealous because I wanted to look like them. So I started to dress up trying to impress them, even looking for compliments from these girls, as some sort of validation that they acknowledged and approved of my style, or that I could even "look better" than them. I know this sounds awful! But I also know that most of us girls have been there too, so I'm not alone. It sort of turns into this

Celebrate your Feminine Beauty!

Hello Lovelies!         OK so for today's post, I want to talk about celebrating your feminine beauty. REAL feminine beauty. Not in either extremes like sex symbols or the opposite of not having any feminine qualities at all. True femininity. Us women are very strong and magical people. We are nurturing, yet we can and know how to set and keep clear boundaries. We are sensitive and intuitive, yet hard workers. We are loving and gentle, and soft, but strong. Within each of us, we carry the wisdom of the past experiences from our sisters and mothers who walked before us. Yet we are all each connected naturally and deeply to the earth, and Her healing and intuitive guidance. And this wisdom and love creates our beauty. It is now time to start honoring and celebrating, even teaching, this deeply spiritual aspect of our feminine selves. No more letting it be stashed away from the fears and orders of our masculine counterparts. And I don't literally mean the men in your life, I don&

Why it's Important to Express Yourself

Hello my beauties!          OK so for today's post I want to talk about following your heart when it comes to expressing yourself, and why it is so important. I am going to use an example from personal experience. At age 24, I was in an unhappy living situation and began experiencing depression and ended up developing a thyroid problem as well, which resulted in me gaining nearly 200 lbs in a year and a half. This sudden and extreme weight gain really took a toll on my self esteem, and this started to prevent me from expressing myself at all. I stopped wearing my favorite jewelry, styling my hair, wearing clothes I wanted to wear, and even stopped wearing makeup...all things I adore doing and really needed to do to creatively express part of who I am. This caused me to be in such a sad state, shoving down and away my desires and creativity. Life got duller, because I believed I was too big and what was the point if nothing would look right on me anymore. I kept telling myself that

How to Feel Beautiful Without Wearing Makeup

Welcome back everybody!         OK so for today's post I want to talk about how to feel beautiful without wearing any makeup. Totally bare and natural. Whether you are a makeup junkie or not, every woman should know how to feel beautiful no matter what. So lets talk about how to do that.         I remember when I was a tween and started wearing makeup. I partly started to wear it because a boy in my class made fun of my appearance (I had very bad acne and sudden weight gain from the PCOS plus braces), and I wanted to feel beautiful. The other part is the beginnings of my being a makeup artist, and loving playing with the colors and textures. Once I began to wear it on the regular, I was afraid to leave the house without it. I thought I looked so different...not pretty. I would even wear it to the gym or outside walking my dog if I thought I might been seen. And let me to you, people making comments on how different I looked without makeup did not help either, especially as a sens

Beauty Standards and Comparing

Good morning sunshine!         OK so for today's post I want to talk a little bit about beauty standards and the media. With all of the new beauty breakthroughs in products that make women look flawless, plus filters and airbrushing, we get to see the end result in magazines and through the internet of what these women "look like". And of course we all know that these women are airbrushed and have the top professional makeup artists and "glam squads" with them all the time, keeping their printed version looking quite literally flaw-less...but it still sticks in our minds as we continue to see them everywhere, and the ego of the mind can't help but comparing yourself to them. This has caused a lot of damage of the self esteem of women everywhere. This standard has been raised so high with today's technologies that it has become just totally unrealistic. And that's the damage; using unrealistic standards to compare yourself to and try to achieve, and

A Little Bit on Self Worth and How it's Tied to Unconditional Love

How is everyone doing?          OK so for today's post I want to talk a little bit about self worth, which is of course tied into loving yourself unconditionally. This has been a particularly stubborn area of my life that I've had trouble with. In my previous post about 'Ways to feel beautiful' I had mentioned that I had a period of my life where I stopped taking care of myself. This was a very low time for me. I hated my body and self so much that I refused to see friends and even family. I was extremely embarrassed about my weight, I thought that I was so fat, and ashamed of the life choices I had made. Old friends wanted to see how I was and hang out, but I ignored them all and said I was busy with work and never saw them, even though I wanted to... I held back because of how disgusted at was at myself at the time. I didn't want them to see me like that and so I placed conditions on myself that I didn't DESERVE to see them because of how awful (I believed) m

What is Confidence? And How do You "Get" It?!

Welcome back everybody!         OK so for today's post I want to talk about confidence. Confidence. You know when somebody has it, but it can be difficult to acquire yourself, and sometimes it's even hard to pinpoint why and how to become confident. So I'm here to help break it down for you. First of all, this quality stems from a place of love. All emotions originate from either love or fear. Lack of confidence therefor stems from fear. Fear of embarrassment, rejection, humiliation, and abandonment which can turn into guilt, maybe from not taking care of your body, shame from past childhood experiences, and other forms of trauma related to self worth and the physical body. To heal these issues, you need to work fearlessly on complete love of the self. Loving yourself unconditionally, no matter what. That is confidence. Unconditional love and acceptance of the self. When you meet a person with true confidence, they are beaming with self love...are they not? Of course no on

Ways to Feel Beautiful

Welcome back my loves!         How did your lists go? (Check out previous blog for details) They went well I trust ;) OK so for today's post, I'm going to talk about how to feel beautiful. Some of these may sound obvious, but they are important to keep up to have your self esteem know that you are worth it. Here is an example of what I mean by that. At one point in my life, I had totally stopped taking care of myself in favor of stress, chalking it up to "I didn't have time or money", leaving my spirit depleted of the beauty and self care it craved. It wasn't until then that I realized how very important it is to feel beautiful, and once I started taking care of myself again, I lovingly and enthusiastically nourished my spirit back. It feels SO good to relish in caring for yourself and expressing your own creative beauty. And I am going to help show you how to do that.         Well first off, find out (if you don't already know) what types of beauty and

Simple 'Learning to Love Yourself' Tool!

What's going on everyone?!         OK for today's post I wanted to share with you a tool I used to help on my path to loving myself. Especially if you are new to this path of self-healing and self-love, this is a simple but powerful healing technique. But you have to take the time and truly try,  otherwise you are cheating yourself. But I promise you, once you get going it is really very easy! Your spirit knows when you are putting effort in, and when you are not.         Alright so all you have to do is get out a notebook and a pen. And now I want you to start making a list. I want you to list everything that you love about yourself. Really focus. Feel and acknowledge those parts that you do love about yourself, give appreciation for them! You do not have to just put things about your "outside", your physical can also put things you love about your personality, talents, habits; all that "inside" stuff too. :)         And that's it! You hav

How I Learned to Love Myself with PCOS

I want to start this blog off by helping you get to know who I am and how far I've come, so that I can help you on your journey to loving yourself too.         When I was 14 years old, I was diagnosed with Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome. PCOS is a hormonal disorder characterized by acne, extreme difficulty losing weight, blood sugar issues, anxiety, excessive body hair growth, and more. As a super shy and sensitive teenager, I gained the awful habit of being cruel to myself. And the symptoms of PCOS of course made it all worse, and even a reason to hate myself and my body even more. I remember forcing myself to go to the gym in an attempt to lose weight, and shouting at myself on the treadmill "You are FAT, you cannot stop, you have to keep going so you can be skinny!",  which as you can imagine, did not wield successful weight loss results for me. In fact, this cycle of trying and failing got so intense I even ending up fainting at one point, waking up on the high scho

1st Post: Welcome to my Blog!

Hello Blogger world!         My name is Rebecca and I am a 26 year old girl living on the east coast of the United States. My first passion in life is beauty. I wanted to start this blog as a way to help show and teach women how not only to look beautiful, but feel beautiful...TRULY beautiful, inside and out. I am a licensed esthetitican and massage therapist, and I've worked in cosmetic retail for the past 5 years, color matching and teaching women how to apply and wear the latest trends. Through this blog I intend to share my wisdom on confidence and what true beauty really means. I hope to inspire, uplift, heal, and teach women HOW to be confident and see their real beauty. So this blog will be a teaching tool and community to share and connect women for support and healing, and I intend to post "inspirational teachings" from my personal experiences of how I've come to learn to love myself, inside and out... along with beauty tips and tricks! Welcome and I hope yo