Why You Should Surround Yourself With Beauty

Welcome back everyone!
        OK so for today's post, I want to talk about surrounding yourself with beauty, and how to feel and connect to the beauty within. Surrounding yourself with things that you find beautiful helps you to connect to the energy of beauty, like a flow, uplifting your attention and even subconscious mind with it. Especially if you are down in the dumps, this helps to make you feel happier and appreciative of the gorgeous things on this earth. And it's fun! So I want to discuss more on how and why you should indulge in decorating your spaces with lots of wonderful, beautiful things!
        OK so lets explain why this is a good idea for you. Beauty is a positive aspect of life; it is spiritual, and it is healing. When you look at something that you find pretty, your thoughts are focused on that gorgeousness in that moment, it is a positive response. Some things you find so beautiful that they make you very happy and you love their presence and existence. So why not completely surround yourself with things that create such positive responses in you? Think of the opposite of that. Being surrounded by ugly, dirty things, and things you strongly dislike. How would that make you feel? Probably not very happy at all. You see, when you surround yourself with objects that you adore and appreciate their beauty for, your subconscious mind reacts too. On some level, this can relate to feelings of worthiness, like of owning such beauty, also happiness in your life, hope for the future, positive financial flow, well being, etc. Versus ugly things around you which can produce in your subconscious mind feelings of depression, low self worth, negative financial flow, and general unhappiness of your life. This one of many parts of how feng shui works. Your surroundings affect and are examples of your life. So if you want to feel the beauty that is already within you, surround yourself with it!
        Well, it is quite fun and easy to do. But you have to make sure that if it's new things you are buying, that you are personally attracted to it, and that it really does produce feelings of happiness, beauty, and inspiration in you. Really LOVE what you put in your space. Don't just put things up just to put things there. Resonate with the items and use your intuition as to where you should put them. When I was a teenager, I used to cut out pictures of models wearing makeup from Sephora catalogues and put them on my closet doors, because I am a makeup junkie and they inspired me and made me feel connected to my passion. So personalize what you choose to surround yourself with. I also recommend getting flowers if you can. Plants and fresh flowers literally carry Earth healing energies in them, as well as fragrance and they are gorgeous, a gift from God. Even those fake flowers and plants will do if you need to use those, they make them very realistic and not so cheesy now-a-days. But yes, anything from mother nature carries that earth energies of life and are healing and pure. Especially crystals, like quartz and amethyst. Crystals are absolutely gorgeous and carry various healing energies in them. Go to the beach and pick some seashells that you find pretty in put those in your space. Pick out decor that you are attracted to like pieces of art, especially those with positive and loving messages. Anything that you find beautiful that you can decorate in your room is appropriate, so feel free to go on Pinterest and get creative! And don't stress about anything in the process, this is meant to be fun and uplifting. 
        You see now why it's important to have beauty in your space? You want to love and be content in where you spend most of your time. It really is a reflection on you and your life, not just a room or a building. Your surroundings should inspire you to get up each day, and make you feel good every time you pass by and see them. Rejuvenate, and take comfort in the sanctuary that is your space. Absorb the energies of beauty and positivity and let them heal you. I would recommend looking into feng shui and getting some books on it as well, it has personally given me lots of insights of how my space correlates to my life and how to put things a certain way to achieve things I want. It is actually a very complicated and ancient art, which is why I recommend starting off with an easy guide such as: Feng Shui Your Life by Jayme Barrett is one of my absolute favorites. OK so that is it for today's post, I hope I inspired you and you learned something new here...now go out to TJ MAXX and get some pretty things! Have fun with this you guys! Thank you so much for reading this post, and I hope to see you next time. 
        Sending you Love and Light,


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