Beauty Is In The Soul

Hey there!
        OK so for today's post, I want to talk about how a beautiful personality is what makes you beautiful inside and out. Haven't you ever met someone whose personality was so big and lovely it completely changed your mind from your first impressions/judgments about them? Their personality is so infectiously wonderful, and shining so brightly, you can't help but know how truly beautiful they really are... despite what beauty "standards" they meet or not. They make you smile and laugh, and you can sense their genuine authenticity for how happy they make you feel while talking to and being around them. You can even sense it in the sound of their voice sometimes. Is their voice soft and gentle? Louder but friendly? Or is it harsh and unappealing? This usually gives an idea of the person with the voice; for example, haven't you ever found that after seeing someone then speaking to them their voice isn't at all what you thought it would be? I'm sure we've all had times where we have been taken by surprise of the voice that comes out of someone. Not in a negative judgmental way, just totally unexpected. Notice this in people... it usually gives some sort of truth of how the person is, or I should say how they are vibrating energetically at that particular time in their life as well. Nothing is set in stone, but it does give an idea.
        And you know what they say, don't judge a book by its cover. Try really not to. I know by human nature we all do judge on some level, so don't think you are a horrible person if you do find yourself judging. But on a soul connection level, when you love someone, you love who they are as a soul. Take your family for example. You are not going to not love your family because they don't look a certain way! When you really start to connect to peoples souls instead of their looks and "outside" stuff, you find such wonderful gems. You find true fulfilling relationships, and begin to know that looks really don't matter, and they shouldn't. There are many misconceptions and fears out there that try to make you think otherwise. But you yourself is always the best judge of character by what you feel and vibe from someone else, no matter what these other misconceptions try to tell us, such as not accepting someone for they way they dress or look. It is really very silly, and I feel that these barriers are finally starting to be broken down in our society. 
        These "Youtubers" are great examples of that. These are regular people like you and me that have found huge followings from making youtube videos online, and the public absolutely LOVES these people. The fans (the people that watch their videos) don't care what they look like, because they have gotten to know these people somewhat personally from these videos in which they share personal details, and interact with the fans. The fans love them so much they will do anything to support them. Look a that. We are helping each other's dreams come true! I digress. But do you see my point here? The personalities of these "Youtubers" are so big and real in who they are, they have attracted many admirers who love them just as they are... as a unique soul. Some of them achieving fame that even some working actors struggle to attain, just by being themselves. I understand that there is controversy with how Youtube is changing the world, better or worse, but here I am talking about the aspect of some of the reasons people can become popular from it. I am talking about the better parts of it. This is a very powerful turn that our society is taking.
        I want you to think of some of the people you admire and look up to. Do you admire them because of just their looks? Or do you support them for who they are, and their individual uniqueness? We all have someone, a celebrity or a character, that we turn instantly passionate about when they are brought up in conversation. We support them, defend them, and act as if they are our best friends. That passion is a way of loving them, and seeing their true beauty as a soul. Recognizing this connection between each other promotes a wonderful sense of harmony and unity that is needed as a human race. We are all just souls, we are not our bodies and lifestyles, we are NOT our "outside" stuff... and we need to stop defining each other and ourselves by it. We are all one! That is what should really matter in these lives we live.
        Alright that is it for today's post. I hope that you understood and saw my points here, and that you will take this with you today and in your life. We need more love and acceptance in the world, not judgement and separation. You find and spread happiness when you connect to the beauty in everyone's soul and I want you to experience the love in this. I love you, Inside and Out! Thank you so much for reading, and I will see you next time!
        Sending you Love and Light,


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