Honoring your Beautification Rituals

Hello everyone!
        OK so for today's post, I want to encourage and discuss why you should really take care and enjoyment of your beauty rituals, like doing your makeup and hair every morning. You should honor this precious time that you have by yourself and enjoy the process. You may not think you have the time or that it's not THAT worthy of your attention, but here I will talk about why you should rethink how you feel about that. You deserve to devote your time and energy into doing what makes you feel good to prepare for the day and not be rushed.
        Now I am going to use another personal example, one that I have already used in past blogs, but those times are part of what inspired me to write this blog in the first place, so forgive me if I sound repetitive. When I was a teenager, I absolutely loved getting ready for school in the morning, the whole beautification process of putting on my makeup, doing my hair, and putting on all of my accessories. I would even lay out the makeup colors and products I chose to wear the night before on my bureau in the order I would use them in, to save time so I didn't scramble around trying to find what I was looking for and deciding what to put on at the last minute. I would visualize and decide on the colors, style, and look I wanted to wear for the next day and get everything all laid out and ready to go. And then when I woke up in the morning, I would calmly and happily create the look I had envisioned, and topped it off with jewelry that matched and out the door I went. I went to a Catholic school so I never had to stress over what clothes to pick out. Getting ready for the day this way made me feel so put together, beautiful, and confident in how I looked. It wasn't until later on in my life when I went through a deep depression and stopped taking care of myself that I realized how important that process really was to me. At this low time, I never prepared what I would wear and very hurriedly applied some makeup that looked like, well, that I hurriedly applied some makeup. I put little effort into what used to be a daily beautification ritual and did the minimum and rushed out the door. Inside I really missed that process, but didn't feel worthy of doing it anymore.
        So I want you to learn from my example. Get up earlier to make the time to devote to this process. It can even be considered therapeutic. Peacefully putting yourself together in solitaire moments, not rushing and just enjoying this time with yourself. Feel free to create. Create what you want to be like for that day, play, experiment. Do you want to wear gray eyeshadow with a bold lipstick and chunky earrings? Visualize it the night before or just as you are waking up. Have fun and take pride in caring for how you present yourself to the world. Put your beauty products in pretty cases and containers. Present the products themselves as treasures. Organize and put them in ways that are comfortable to you and will make you happy when you see your beauty products, not stressed or overwhelmed that the space you store them is a mess which makes it difficult to find what you are looking for. You want to feel inspired and content with the space you do your beauty rituals in, even if you like an "organized mess". Do what works for you.
        Honor your body by how you devote your time to it, including getting ready for the day, you are worth it. Once you get into the habit of doing it, you realize how important it actually is, as I had. Trust me, you will feel so much more confident and less stressed when you take the time and effort to put aside to "doing you" in the morning. Alright that is it for today's post, I hope that I inspired you and gave you some insight and maybe helped you to really rethink how you spend your time getting ready each day. As always thank you so much for reading and sticking with me, I hope new readers are here to stay. Until next time!
        Sending you Love and Light,


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