Accepting Yourself Just as You Are

Hello beautiful people!
        OK so for today's post, I want to talk about acceptance. How and why should accept yourself fully, 100% as you are right now. Accepting all of your so called "flaws", things you don't like about yourself and your body, past mistakes, all of it. And right now, in this very moment. Because often we SAY we will accept ourselves in the future, like once we lose weight, or get a certain job, etc. That means that you will always just keep putting acceptance of yourself in the future, and never right now, which means...that likely you never will. You see? No, learn to do it now. It is a very powerful point of self growth to do so. This can be very challenging. But why should you do so and why is it so important? Well, it is important to be free. Free of burdens of guilt, shame, anger, and fears. You should be free to express you are and what you want to be, with no limits. If you do not fully accept yourself, then you are still holding something back. And I want you to be able to FLY! Does that make sense? Think of some things that you have always wanted to do in your life that you never have. A personal example for me is ballet. Ever since I was around 8 or 9 years old, I loved watching ballet and always wanted to do it. But I never ever did. Why? Because I was too embarrassed by my body. I couldn't ever accept my body for how it was. And I let that keep me from doing something I've always wanted to try out. Don't let yourself be limited.
        So how do you do it? Well take a look and see where you have been too harsh on yourself. Maybe harboring anger and unforgiveness toward a parent or partner for how you've ended up in life? But then blaming yourself for letting it happen? That's a big one. Blaming and beating yourself up for "letting" things gone wrong and mistakes you've made. Stop. Take a deep, deep breath. Let it go, it is over and done with, there is nothing that you can do about it anymore, so stop trying. You did the best you could at the time. And remember, EVERYTHING happens for a reason. Forgive yourself and everyone involved, let it go, and move on. Accept where you are right now, but know that you can change things for how you want in the future. Anything is possible! Nothing is set in stone and you do have power to turn things around by deciding to let go and make changes now. Another example is an unhealthy body, whether illness or weight imbalances or dislike of certain features. Accept the body that you are in right now. It is what God has given to you. Realize that past factors and your decisions have molded you to what you are now. And decide that it IS possible to change your situation to what you want. You are doing the best you can. Feel and get in tune with yourself, your own soul and spirit. That is who you really are, not a body or even circumstances, you are a soul. Forgive, forgive, forgive yourself. And relax. Try to let things flow naturally. From here, you can begin to fully accept everything about yourself. 
        So don't be so hard on yourself. Stop trying to change things that you do not have control over, you will constantly end up in disappointment and pain. Let go, accept and move on, no longer giving your energies where they are not changing or benefiting anyone, especially yourself. In this body is how you were born. Accept, forgive, and love you right in this exact moment. Then enjoy this feeling! Have love and gratitude for everything that you are and have overcome, like I said, God gave you this life and it was meant to be fully lived. Do you see now why acceptance is so powerful and important? Once you've made this step, you will feel so much better and empowered! OK that is it for today's post, I am excited and honored to help and support you all on your journey's to self healing. Thank you so much for taking time to check this out and feel free to leave a comment if you want to share your experiences on self acceptance. We can all support each other! Alright, that is it for now, see you next time!
        Sending you Love and Light,


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