Love your Body

Hello again everyone!
        OK so for today's post I want to talk about body positivity and loving your body. This is something that I personally have struggled with my whole life and have recently overcome. I know that I am not alone here, and that many other women struggle with these same issues. There has been some great progress in this area, with having more realistic models model popular clothing brands and such, which is amazing! We need to keep moving forward in that direction, since there has been so much damage done, and damage that is yet still occurring. I want to help you not only be positive about how you feel about your body, but truly and sincerely LOVE it! Love and be happy about the skin you're in. Let's get down to it and really discuss and address not only what the core issues are, but how to overcome them. So I am going to help guide you through the muddy and trapped thinking of having a negative relationship with your own body. 
        To start this self healing journey to loving your body, you can start my asking yourself "why not?"...why don't you love your body? Naturally your thoughts may go onto a list of things you don't like. But when you ask yourself this, I want you to pay close attention to what feelings arise when you do ponder this. If you feel sad, ashamed, or guilty, recognize these emotions; recognize that this is a negative feeling. It is important to learn to discern what feelings are really what, so you can work with them on pin- pointing why. Why do you feel guilty about that part of you body? Sad? Ashamed? Really try to dig deep and explore where these emotions came and are coming from. There could be many reasons why you feel this way. It could be from a negative past childhood experience, from your family or friends. Or it could be something that you compare to other people so you dislike it. If you still cannot figure out why, that's OK too. Let it be for now, but be aware that it is still something that needs to be worked on, and the answers may come with time. Acknowledging that you need healing there is still a start...a step in the right direction!  
        Once you've pin-pointed where these feelings and views originated from, you probably have come to an intense and vulnerable state, since it's not always easy to see what you've held on to for so long that was subconsciously causing you pain and sadness. So be gentle and easy with yourself. If you need to vent, spend time in healthy ways doing that. Just let it all out... cry if you need to, meditate, work out, or listen to healing music. If you feel that it's more than you can handle, you might want to consider seeing a counselor of some sort, just so you can talk with someone who will be understanding and encouraging. I used to see someone in my high school years, and he helped heal me a lot.
Now look at the issue that relates to your negative feelings about your body, and forgive yourself and everyone involved. Forgiveness helps us to let things go and let love and healing enter. Forgive yourself for disliking your body, forgive your family or friends for teasing you and such about it, and let it go. And when you are ready, begin to send yourself love. You can do affirmations "I love my body", "I forgive myself for not loving my body". Or you can literally bring up the positive feelings of love, those happy and nurturing feelings, and now replace what was once negative with those loving feelings to the relationships with certain parts or your whole body, whichever you had issues with. So when you think about your body, you can now relate with positive, loving feelings and associations. 
        It is important to learn to accept that which you cannot change. Accept the body that you have, refusal of accepting it won't change it. It will just cause you further pain. Yes you can change certain things about your body, like lose or gain weight, dye your hair, and so fourth, which is totally fine! It is fun to be creative and experiment with different looks. Just make sure its not coming from a place of hating the skin that you are in. Be understanding with yourself. If you need further assistance with this process, feel free to check out my past blog post "Simple Learning to Love Yourself Tool!". It is a wonderful and easy way to create more body and self positivity. Courageously make the switch and choose love, love every part of your body, fully and unconditionally. Feel your energy vibrations change to happiness, radiating love, which is true beauty. Reaching this stage is very empowering. And it also helps others! Your happiness and empowerment inspire other people who can sense that you've made a powerful internal change. You can now move forward in your life with confidence in a way that you weren't able to before. This is why loving your whole body is so important, it is where you live...literally! You need to love where your soul resides (or vice versa) because you are in it for a lifetime.
        And lastly, I want you to understand that postivity and healing is a journey. It may not happen overnight, but it can. With sincere, brave efforts and persistence, you can get there much faster. But of course it's not a race, so do things at your own pace. I believe and have faith in all of you to get there, it's already inside you. Now it's just a matter of seeing new perspectives, choosing positive words, thoughts, and feelings, and gaining insight on yourself. Personally for myself, I have been trying for about 3 years or so to heal my body issues. I have done positive affirmations, sent love to myself, read self healing books on self esteem, and tried to change how I viewed my body. And finally, after all those years, I feel it. I feel the love for my body. I got on and off the path, but I kept choosing to try once more. That is key. You have to keep choosing it, choose it until you do get there. Choose the positive. All my efforts paid off. It may have taken 3 or so years to get there, but I got there. So be patient. And know that you are not alone. Alright that is it for today's post, I really hope that I helped you with your relationship that you have with your body and self. I am here to support you the very best I can, you can do it! I promise you will feel like a new person in a powerfully feel-good way. Thank you so much for reading this, I appreciate all who check out my blog, and I hope you are here to stay. Until next time!
        Sending you Love and Light,


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