Magazine Advice and Standards

Hello again Bloggers!
        OK for today's post, I want to talk a bit about the advice and information that are put out in women's magazines. I think that it's important to address this content because it's what's being distributed to the general public, and thousands, if not millions, of people are absorbing and using the information that is in these magazines. And the information and advice in most of these magazines (not all), at least in my personal opinion, is being used as a tool to control the behaviors of women, and giving them unhealthy and incorrect advice on subjects that women take and use in their personal lives. I've noticed this ever since I was a teenager, being able to spot unhealthy advice and wondering why and how that even got into the print . Even though magazines are great for inspiration and showing new creative trends, sometimes it's best to take what they say with a grain of salt. So I just want to create a hyper awareness of this, since what is put out can and does create negative habits and thought processes in women and young girls across the country. So let's talk about how to be able to identify what is truly healthy information and advice, and what is just either negative or a control tactic of the press.
        OK so let's talk about some of the types of unhealthy or negative controlling advice and information that is printed in magazines. Of course some of these are just tips, but people do take tips in magazines as true and solid information that they can rely on. I will use a personal example. When I was in my early twenties, I still had gone through life without a boyfriend or any romantic interactions. My best friend at the time was experienced in this area, and she would often read me some of the "intimate" advice offered in these magazines, trying to help me get prepared for when the time came for me to be in a romantic relationship. She was one of these women who took the info in magazines a little too hardcore, and would follow, try, and believe everything they said. You may say, "that's her own fault then!" true, but she does represent many women across the country that do this as well. So she would try to force this on me, so I was pressured to take on these ideas and implement them in my life as well, because well, the magazine said so! So they must be right, they are professionals! I remember feeling uncomfortable about some of the advice given, but if my friend, the magazine, and apparently all other women did these things, then I must be the weird one not to. Some of the advice given was filled with too much lust, and not enough love, to be quite straightforward. I also noticed that the ads placed throughout the magazines promote a type of unattainable wealth and beauty standards, they just are not realistic. Only the "thin, attractive, and wealthy" are littered throughout the magazine ads. It's like these magazines want to teach us how to be sex objects and accept it, in a very subtle, sneaky way. They way they word the advice can sometimes be considered 'if you do not act this way or do this, then you are no one worthy'. And that is where the unhealthy behaviors from women, especially young ones, are reeled in, because they believe it! This type of "advice" may seem innocent, but the intent behind some it is not to truly help us women out. It is trying to manipulate us and keep us where they want us, which us under them, needing their help, so we can feel like we need their magazines and continue to give them our money and attention. It's all about power. 
        Now lets discuss ways that you can identify what info is considered healthy, and which pieces you can leave at the door. Well, start with your own inner compass. Your intuition. First question what is written. Always question what is written. Does what the writer wrote here resonate with you and your true desires and personal values? Not what they are telling you what you are supposed to want and value...that is also a control tactic. Next try to make out what the writer of the pieces' true intent is. With what the rest of what they wrote, does it seem like they are sincerely trying to help and better the lives of you and others? You can do this by the vibe you get and even the wording, trust your vibes!!! Energy cannot lie, it just is. If the answer is no, then you can simply leave the info be and move on. Next, see if what they wrote is in a loving way. I don't mean all mushy romantic. I mean is what they are saying truly respecting you and other people involved? If the advice given is violating someone else's respect in any way, no matter how subtle, then it is not healthy advice. This is where the fine line of what the magazine writers can seem to get away with...they make it seem like the advice is helpful to you because it is benefiting you...and you only. But good advice isn't selfish and looks to benefit and respect everyone involved. So keep a lookout for that. Sometimes you can tell that something was written just to be put there, like it has no meaning behind it, ignore those and don't take them into serious consideration. Another thing I wanted to touch upon was the health sections and advice given there. When I was younger I used to try and follow it all, but it turns out I had undiagnosed conditions that made their advice unhealthy for me. In fact, this can and does happen to many women who also have conditions that they are not aware of and try to follow the info given. The advice is really meant for women who are already healthy and have no conditions or illnesses. Even then it's not for everyone. So please do not follow their advice unless approved by your doctor or health care professional, and do further research if you want to take what they say into serious consideration. I wanted to address this because like myself, many women feel so down when they take these magazines little health tips and they either don't work or have negative unhealthful results. So just something to be cautious of.
        What it really comes down to is deciding if you really agree with and resonate with what is written, not blindly taking in and following whatever is printed because you think that you are supposed to or are pressured to. Also sometimes the writer of a piece has a biased opinion or even an angry take on something, so you are not getting solid info. Just because something is printed on paper and distributed to many people does not make it "legit" or even correct at all, so please consider that. Heck you can even question this blog now! Loving advice always offers freedom. I believe that there needs to be more positive, integrity filled, loving messages and examples displayed in magazines, with real women being shown more. So I really wanted to get the message across to stop giving your power to these magazines. Do what YOU want to do, question everything, and listen to your intuition. Magazines like I said, are still nice to look at for new style ideas and inspiration, since there are stories that are truly inspiring that are printed. But just don't let them control parts of your life, and take what resonates with you and leave the rest. I hope that you understood what I am trying to get across here, and that I even confirmed what your intuition has been trying to tell you all along regarding the info and advice in the magazines. TRUST YOUR VIBES! Thank you so much for checking this out and I will see you next time!
        Sending you Love and Light,


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