What Are Angel Readings?

Welcome my friends!

        Today I want to share with you a question I get asked a lot... what are angel readings and how do they work? As an experienced angel intuitive reader for the past 5 years, I've come to notice that it's still not a widely known thing yet, and people often have many questions and curiosities when I mention that I read angel cards. Angel card readings are a way to receive intuitive guidance from angels based on your current circumstances and any questions you have with the choosing of particular 'angel cards' that have different messages on them. So basically, angel readings are similar to the familiar Tarot card readings, but a bit different. You still get a deck and shuffle and pick cards. The cards you choose are a result of your energy at that current time, and also what you are thinking about while you shuffle the cards. But unlike Tarot readings, there is no exact spread placement of the cards, although there can be. Angel cards are much easier to read and understand, since they are direct messages such as "Get Sleep" or "Healing Family Issues", usually with a short description at the bottom of the card and an explanatory picture. Tarot cards are an ancient art with numbers, and the pictures have specific meanings that need to be interpreted. 
        When reading with angel cards, the reader will call in and communicate with the client's guardian angels, whom will relay messages through the cards. The readings are more based on healing and guidance of which paths to take in life, rather than a set in stone 'this is what is going to happen' type of psychic reading. I mean, angels are loving aren't they?! So many people find these types of readings comforting and helpful. Everyone has at least 2 guardian angels with them at all times. They help provide the reader information about the client to answer his or her questions and to help clarify the cards to be interpreted. During the reading, many other beings may come through. There are additional Archangels, who represent a different aspect of God and are in charge of different areas, such as Archangel Michael who works with protection and clearing negativity, or Archangel Raphael who is the chief healing angel for psychical and emotional issues. And passed on loved ones may come through for a few comforting messages during the session as well. So angel card readings are generally very flexible since they can be a mix of mediumship and psychic work, as well as energy reading. 

        So although mainly angel readings are more positive, don't expect them to tell you what you want to hear. The angels will still be direct with you, addressing fears and things you need to heal, just in a more gentle manner. But that is what is so powerful when receiving a reading, you get a real feel for true angelic guidance from the higher realms, which are messages true to your soul, since God and the angels know all. You can feel their presence while they are communicating with you, even though they already are with you 24/7, it is a very comforting feeling to hear their messages directly validated by someone else. You then know that you are always protected and loved and looked after. That is also why these readings are considered more trustworthy, and that you are not wasting your time and money. God and the angels always give you accurate and truthful guidance for you and want to sincerely help you along your path... there is no fooling that. Just make sure that you do resonate with the reader that is interpreting the messages, since sometimes you simply just may not "vibe" with the person and their reading, since it still is a human being that is conducting the session.
        These types of readings also provide lots of opportunities to open your mind and learn more about spirituality, holistic healing and methods, since the angels usually provide guidance of more holistic ways to heal yourself and your situations. God and the angels know your deepest desires, those that you daydream about and some never even thought possible. They are able to see right through your insecurities and outside labels to the person you really are. They are also aware of where you need healing in your life. So the goal is to try and achieve ways towards those. And that is about it for what and how angel card reading works! I hope I clarified this for you all. I still do readings and if you are interested in booking, please feel free to book your private appointment with me on my website, www.insideouthealingbeauty.com under Services. Thank you so much for reading and I will see you next time!
        Sending you Love and Light,


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