Stand In Your Confidence

Welcome back beautiful people!
        OK so for today's post, I want to discuss how to stand strong in how you hold yourself... to own your confidence. There are so many women and young girls out there who demonstrate a bit of a "wobbly" confidence level. It's like you are trying, but not quite getting there. But that's OK! It is a process of life to learn this, and I want to help you along the way. I know what you are going through because I myself used to be on the lower end of the "wobbliness" confidence level; I wanted to be confident, but on the inside I was putting myself down, unsure of myself, and even scared to put myself out there at all. It took a couple of years of growing and learning to get to where I am now, which is at a much healthier level. I learned how to be so much stronger and hold myself with the utmost self assured confidence. So I want to share with you some of my experiences of what and how I learned to get where I am today so that you can stand strong along with me!
        Alright so let me go back again on to how I used to be. It was in my early teen years when it was the worst. As I mentioned in my past blog posts, I have been diagnosed with PCOS, which is a hormonal disorder. This disorder causes weight gain, excessive body hair growth, severe acne and other issues. So I was extremely down on myself. I would try to be invisible...heck I was scared to even go through the rows of people in the cafeteria to get a cookie because I thought everyone would stare and make fun of me. Talk about low self esteem! My mannerisms would indicate low confidence; I would never talk, or if I had to talk, I would quietly and quickly answer and then look down. I would also try to quickly walk in and out of rooms hoping not to be noticed...people in school called me the "ninja" because of how I would discreetly slip in and out of the room. I also didn't take compliments very well, it was like I didn't believe them. The wobbliest confidence I had. I very slowly grew out of this over the years, with lots of reading on self healing and spirituality here and there. So this growth happened in stages for me. The mid stage was in college... it was like I was coming out of my shell, poking my head out, saying, "is it safe yet?" and then taking baby steps out of the shell. It was in college that I began to see that no one really cared what I looked like or even paid that much attention to me to "make fun of me". Everyone was doing their own thing and were more interested in intellectual connections. So I started to feel safer, and slowly kept trying new things and being more confident in how I held myself. When I got older and after college is where I really started getting into spirituality, and that's when I did the inner work. I learned to love myself for who I was on the inside and outside, and my confidence level naturally rose from there. I learned that it's all about how you feel on the inside.
        Confidence really is all about the inner work. You could be wearing the scrubbiest clothes and people can still sense your confidence. That's how some models work it. They are obviously confident in how they hold themselves, and how they wear the clothes comes from that confidence too, don't be fooled that it's just their bodies- they wouldn't have been hired if they didn't have any confidence. Standing in your confidence really means that you do not care of what other people think of you, because what YOU think of you is good enough. It's like you are telling the world "I don't care what you think of me!" in every way and part of you, and you really feel it to be true, you know it in your heart and soul. So how do you not care?! You may ask. Well why should you? All that does is effect how you feel inside, taking in others judgments and letting it determine how you feel about yourself. Why do you want to let other's judgments, (which by the way, are really their own judgments on themselves that they project onto you so they don't have to feel it for themselves), why would you want to let that affect your life? You don't have to. You can choose to not let it affect the choices you make on how you carry yourself. Here is a tip to help you start this process. Pick one thing, could be a quality you love about yourself, like you are 'kind', and every time someone is mean or unpleasant to you, in your mind, say firmly "I am kind". Use that as a confidence booster for yourself, and also as a tactic to not let that person in your mind, letting them affect your life. Use whatever terms that are positive about yourself to try this out. And once you get the hang of it, you will be able to do this for your entire self and BAM! you will have reached a higher confidence level! You will know that you are making progress when your mannerisms start to change. You will walk into a room proudly, your energy announcing your presence. You will have bright, open eyes, and smile to those around you. You will quite literally, stand taller. No more slouching, or looking down to try and be invisible. You will be comfortable in interacting with your environments and the people around you. And no longer will you be afraid of doing that either... you may even begin to look forward to new places and faces. It's a wonderful feeling... standing in your confidence. 
        So experiment with this and pay attention to what you let affect you, and also how you base your decisions on it. Even the simplest things you may base on how someone else thinks you should be. Then, you can do YOU! Say "screw it!" with how everyone thinks of you, and stand tall... knowing that you love and are confident with who you are. So to summarize, some of the keys to self confidence is to not let other's opinions bother you, and to love and accept who you are. I did go more in depth on how unconditional love of the self is another key to confidence in a past blog post, so please check that out if you haven't already! This was more about just really owning your confidence, proud and tall; but all aspects are important. OK that is it for today's post, I really hope that sharing my personal experiences with this was helpful and comforting to you, I want to express to you and help you know that it is possible to reach that point of high may not seem possible right at this time, but trust me, it is! You can do it! I am here for support as always, and thank you for checking out my blog! Until next time.
       Sending you Love and Light,


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