Be Happy! It's Beautiful on You

Hello again everyone!
        OK so for today's post I want to talk about how to be happy with what you've got and where you are right now... and how doing that makes you absolutely beautiful. I know, it seems very hard to do right now. I know that many of you are facing insecurities about your body and appearance, but I am here to help you through this by giving you insights and teaching you to how to heal yourself. We all know that happiness is very attractive to everyone, so why not choose to be happy right now? If you come up with a list of reasons, then you will always come up with a list of reasons. They will keep changing and adding on. Trust me, I know, I've been there! When someone had asked me that question, why not be happy now, I responded that I will only be happy once I've reached my goal weight. My friend had said "then you will never be happy, you have to be happy now". I argued with her saying, "no I will!" But she was right. Even when I was close to my goal weight, I still refused to be happy at where I was, and that's how I learned that it really is true. When you are happy, things flow together and all your worries and insecurities seem so small and float further away. Your beauty comes through naturally because you are shining, and happiness always shines. Now let me help you navigate through your barriers and into happiness and the true beauty that is you!
        So, how do you choose to be happy now? You let go. You let go of expectations, pressures, judgments that you have toward yourself, and also what others have toward and about you. Maybe you have expectations about what size you should be, or be at a certain weight at a certain time. Or you allow the pressures of the media about appearance affect how you view and treat yourself. Or you judge yourself or let others' judgments on you affect how you feel about your body. Now let it all drain out of you. All those thoughts and feelings and beliefs, release them. Anything that is weighing you down and keeping you from being happy now, let it go, with the knowing that there is only so much that you can control. You cannot control how others feel, only how you feel. It is not fair to yourself to make unrealistic expectations and pressures, which create fear, a feeling that destroys happiness. Because you are creating fear that you will not be able to make these expectations, and fears of what happens when you don't, a negative and unhealthy cycle. When you let all of that go for good, freedom arrives and allows you to accept where you are and take each moment as it comes. Accept that nothing is permanent, and that things can and are always changing. You see, putting expectations and judgments and accepting pressures ruins your present moment. And that is only with what you should be concerned about, not your future or your past, just right now. Such negative beliefs and thoughts just distract and direct your focus on things outside of you, and things beyond your control. Just like how I refused to be happy until I reached goal weight; I was putting pressure on myself toward a judgement of my body to something in the future. If I had just let go, accepted and loved myself, and was grateful for the progress I had made, and grateful for the body I already had, I would have been happy at that time.
        You see? You have to appreciate what you've got. Have gratitude. You generally have to shift from a negative perspective to a positive one. And that is why it has and is so difficult for many people to is much easier to be negative than it is positive. So yes, you do need to make the effort and consciously choose to be grateful and change your thinking and focus into a positive light. So let's say that you are insecure about your body. How do you choose to be happy? Well, start with the acceptance of where you are, but with a loving and forgiving attitude. And like I said, begin to let go. Let go of the pressures and judgments around your body and say "this is what I have now, and I accept it for what it is. In fact, I choose to see the beauty in myself and let that take over anything that is keeping me from being happy". Remember, nothing is permanent, so go with the flow and relax! Once you start rolling along when you consistently chose happiness, the happiness takes over and creates a life of its own- your life. It's like a new way of living, being happy and free. What happens when you are happy? What do you do and act like? You smile much more often, you laugh, your eyes sparkle. Your happy and relaxed state of being is reflected in your posture and how you hold yourself. Your individual self contains a unique type of happiness energy, because it is a real, authentic version of you! No one can copy you or your energy, it is special and exclusive to yourself, just like your beauty. Imagine we are all different flowers, all different, but uniquely beautiful...add the sunshine which would be your happiness! You then become so much more attractive to everyone around you, because you shine so brightly. And THAT is true beauty!!!
        This process can take as long or short as you make it. If it takes longer, then it takes longer. Everyone is at different stages of working toward happiness depending on your unique life journey, so no judgement or pressure there! Just be sure to be gentle and loving toward yourself while working on it. Being happy you will naturally love yourself including your body and appearance, everything works out organically, and life becomes easier. So learn to love yourself, and move on, move forward with your life, and don't create or let limitations hinder your growth and enjoyment of life! Life is way to short to let that happen. I really hope that you understand and see what I am trying to relay here, and that you keep an open mind and try to implement this teaching into your daily life. If you need additional help, feel free to check out my past blog posts. Please have faith in yourself that you can do it...anything is possible! And I want you to know that you are definitely not alone with this. I have personally experienced this process and many other women in the world are facing similar challenges around insecurities about their bodies and appearances, so lets support and lift each other up! It makes everyone's journey much easier when there is loving support around and accessible. So thank you all so much for reading this blog today, and I hope that you are here to stay. Until next time!
        Sending you Love and Light,


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