Who is Archangel Raphael? The Archangel of Healing

Welcome lovely people!

        Today I want to teach you about the main healing angel, Archangel Raphael.  While it's true that all of the angels have healing energies, they are of different fields and levels. Archangel Raphael works on healing core emotional, physical, and spiritual bodies and issues. So you would call upon him if you are say sick, injured, or sad. When broken down, his name means "God heals the soul". The color that Archangel Raphael is associated with is a beautiful comforting green. And he doesn't just work with people, he can also treat your pets and plants. Archangel Raphael heals us with his powerful Divine green healing energy and light that comes out of the palm chakras in his hands. He will send it to you and work wherever is needed in your body for healing... gently but effectively. He can also work to help improve your life in general, providing unseen support, making you feel lighter and sending healing to areas of your life that need it. Archangel Raphael will also help you if you are meant to be or are already in healing career fields such as medical, holistic healing, nutrition and fitness, and other related fields. He will act as a guide and teacher, leading you to the right schools, people, and information that is best aligned with your soul and the work you are meant to do. 
        When you do work with this loving Archangel, his presence is quite warm and fuzzy! You feel the warmth and comfort of the healing energies he emits whilst he is around and communicating with you. It's almost like you can feel him giving you a sweet hug, and everything feels much more hopeful. If you would like to start working with Archangel Raphael, you may call upon him in your thoughts or out loud by first holding the intention of connecting with him, then saying "God please send Archangel Raphael to me now. I ask him to help heal ___ (explain the area or problem that you need). Thank you!" Try to be as specific as possible, since God and the angels do work under the 'law of free will' that all of us humans have, so the more detailed permission you give him on your problem, the faster and most effectively he can work on it for and with you. Also when you ask, try your best to not to ask in a panic stricken way...be as clear and calm as possible, maybe take a deep breath or two as you regroup and focus while asking for help. Please also keep in mind that Archangel Raphael, as well as God and the other angels, can only do so much on your behalf. It is still your responsibility to try your best with the situation you are in and not to expect the angels to whip up magic in unrealistic scenarios just because you don't feel like trying. I will give you one personal example. I have low blood sugar issues, and if I do not eat when I need to, I can faint. One time I didn't feel like going to grab food, so I asked Archangel Raphael to help my blood sugar stay steady. While he did make me feel a bit better, realistically I still need the food regardless, so he told me, no you need to go and grab the food. Yes, he can help me to control the issue with lifestyle changes over time, but you still need to listen to his instructions and not have unrealistic and unpractical demands. But that's not to say he still cannot perform healing miracles. If you are sincerely in need of assistance and have exhausted all other worldly options and cry for his help, with faith, he can perform amazing healing work that otherwise wouldn't be possible.

        If it is emotional support and healing that you are seeking, a powerful and very effective way to work with AARaphael to address your issues is by asking him to heal and work on you at night during sleeping. Your soul is much more open and receptive to higher angelic wisdom and healing during dreaming and sleeping states, whether you are consciously aware of it or not. I personally have had major trans-formative success with this method, and have woken up with a totally different emotional standpoint and attitude with fears I had asked to be healed. And the friends I have shared this with have also reported similar successes when they tried it out as well. It is also recommended to ask Archangel Michael to work together with Archangel Raphael on this method of healing, since his protection during the process is needed as well as his negative and fear clearing tools. Always make sure you ask Archangel Michael to shield, guard, and protect you from harm when any healing work is being conducted. Even if you don't feel like you need to, unfortunately there are things in the spiritual realm that can see you even if you cannot see or feel them that may not have the best or loving intentions towards you. Especially during the vulnerable state of healing work. No need to be scared of them, just make sure that you do ask for the protection before you begin the healing session.

        So you just really need to ask with sincerity, work with him, listen, and then follow his guidance with an open, hopeful mind. You work as a team, and together healing on many different levels can occur so much faster than if you were do try and do it alone. So feel free to call him to your side if you are in any emotional pain or psychical pain, and he will come right to your aide, happy and willing to help. And always remember to thank him for his help. If you would like to further connect with Archangel Raphael, you can pick up either a little statue of him, an angel 'worry' stone with his name on it, a picture of him, by putting on relaxing music, or any green healing crystal or stone, especially green aventurine, and all will keep his energy and presence around you and bring more into your life. I hope that this information was helpful and that you will start harnessing the power of asking Archangel Raphael for his assistance in your life and body...it is so comforting to know that you are being helped and are not alone. Thank you so much for reading! Until next post,
        Sending you Love and Light,



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