Who is Archangel Jophiel? The Archangel of Beauty

Hello again lovely ones!

        Today I want to teach you about the Archangel Jophiel, and how and when you can call upon her for any beauty related endeavors. Like all Archangels, each of which have a specific purpose, Archangel Jophiel is the Archangel of beauty and so her name means "beauty of God".  So anything beauty related is her specialty, and I guess what you could say she is an 'expert' in. When I say that she overlooks beauty related fields, I mean in a wide range. She helps to things from makeup and clothing choices, or beautifying and lifting up your thoughts, to implementing feng shui and helping create a clean, harmonious, and gorgeous living environment for you. AAJophiel's main color that she is associated with is pink, and sometimes pink with gold. So if you see flashes of pink in your mind's eye, or notice yourself naturally feeling drawn to those colors lately, then it is likely that she is trying to get your attention or that she is working with you. Sometimes her name may lightly pop into your head as well... "Jophiel" as another way to announce her presence with you. Archangel Jophiel is great at motivating and inspiring to beautify your living spaces, and will basically prompt you to clean and get organized. So if you get the nudges to clean, then you'd better get to it! She will especially do this if you recently asked her for help... or of course your space is messy! In addition to helping with external beauty matters, she is great at helping your thinking patterns be more positive and lighter, which is wonderful support for healing yourself and your life. She is all about self care inside and out, since she knows that good self care practices are the keys to feeling good and productivity for yourself and your home.

         I communicate with her a lot since I work in beauty and artistic related fields, and she is wonderful to work with. She helps inspire my creativity, and even helps me when I feel artistically blocked by showing and teaching me new ideas and solutions to my problems. I guess you could say she is like a 'muse'. I called upon her for help when I was getting ready for a date once that I was really nervous about going on, and she quickly and calmly responded to which choices I should make with my makeup and clothes. When you do work with her, she will help you feel beautiful on the inside, and help teach you what beauty is really all about with her loving and feminine nature. Archangel Jophiel wants to and will help show you how much fun and healing beautifying can be, as it is meant to, and not stressful as it can be for some. AAJophiel is able to see all of you, like God and all the angels can, and will uniquely work with your individual strengths and weaknesses and desires to help heal your beauty related issues. She can see what your daydreams for yourself are, and what feelings and achievements you want for your life related to owning your beauty. You already are beautiful, and so this loving Archangel will help you to see that. 

         So to begin working with Archangel Jophiel, all you have to do is call upon her. To do this, you can say in your thoughts "God, please send Archangel Jophiel to me now" with the intention of connecting with her, and then explain to her what your questions are and what you need help with. She can help you with outfit choices, cosmetic colors and products that you should buy, hair style decisions, room decor, or simply wanting to work on feeling beautiful. You can ask her out loud or in your head, the angels can hear your thoughts. Converse as if she was your friend in the room with you, because she is, you just can't see her (unless you are clairvoyant), though you may be able to feel her presence or sense her in other ways. Other ways you may connect with her is by obtaining some pink tourmaline crystal, which her energy is associated with. I personally own a large piece of natural pink tourmaline, and it is very powerful... the whole reason I bought it was because I could feel its energy working on healing me as I held it in the store, so I recommend this. You can simply keep it in your room or next to you while you work, or a piece of that jewelry, and you will feel more uplifted and positive, and be more accessible to AAJophiel and her presence. Really anything pink colored will draw her attention. You can even display a picture of her on your computer or vanity mirror if you desire to always have her close by. Once you feel the conversation or connection has completed, please be sure to thank her for her help- again, just like you would a friend who helped you out with a beauty dilemma. A simple but sincere "thank you" out loud or in thought will do. So please feel free to contact her, she loves to help, it is part of what she is here for, so don't be shy! Your life will be more beautifully enhanced one you invite Archangel Jophiel into your life. Thank you so much for reading, and if you have any questions, comment below! Until next time,

        Sending Love and Light,


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