
Showing posts from November, 2016

Who is Archangel Raphael? The Archangel of Healing

Welcome lovely people!         Today I want to teach you about the main healing angel, Archangel Raphael.  While it's true that all of the angels have healing energies, they are of different fields and levels. Archangel Raphael works on healing core emotional, physical, and spiritual bodies and issues. So you would call upon him if you are say sick, injured, or sad. When broken down, his name means "God heals the soul". The color that Archangel Raphael is associated with is a beautiful comforting green. And he doesn't just work with people, he can also treat your pets and plants. Archangel Raphael heals us with his powerful Divine green healing energy and light that comes out of the palm chakras in his hands. He will send it to you and work wherever is needed in your body for healing... gently but effectively. He can also work to help improve your life in general, providing unseen support, making you feel lighter and sending healing to areas of your life that ne

Who is Archangel Jophiel? The Archangel of Beauty

Hello again lovely ones!         Today I want to teach you about the Archangel Jophiel, and how and when you can call upon her for any beauty related endeavors. Like all Archangels, each of which have a specific purpose, Archangel Jophiel is the Archangel of beauty and so her name means "beauty of God".  So anything beauty related is her specialty, and I guess what you could say she is an 'expert' in.  When I say that she overlooks beauty related fields, I mean in a wide range. She helps to things from makeup and clothing choices, or beautifying and lifting up your thoughts, to implementing feng shui and helping create a clean, harmonious, and gorgeous living environment for you.  AAJophiel's main color that she is associated with is pink, and sometimes pink with gold. So if you see flashes of pink in your mind's eye, or notice yourself naturally feeling drawn to those colors lately, then it is likely that she is trying to get your attention or that she

What Are Angel Readings?

Welcome my friends!         Today I want to share with you a question I get asked a lot... what are angel readings and how do they work? As an experienced angel intuitive reader for the past 5 years, I've come to notice that it's still not a widely known thing yet, and people often have many questions and curiosities when I mention that I read angel cards. Angel card readings are a way to receive intuitive guidance from angels based on your current circumstances and any questions you have with the choosing of particular 'angel cards' that have different messages on them. So basically, angel readings are similar to the familiar Tarot card readings, but a bit different. You still get a deck and shuffle and pick cards. The cards you choose are a result of your energy at that current time, and also what you are thinking about while you shuffle the cards. But unlike Tarot readings, there is no exact spread placement of the cards, although there can be. Angel cards are

Be Happy! It's Beautiful on You

Hello again everyone!         OK so for today's post I want to talk about how to be happy with what you've got and where you are right now... and how doing that makes you absolutely beautiful. I know, it seems very hard to do right now. I know that many of you are facing insecurities about your body and appearance, but I am here to help you through this by giving you insights and teaching you to how to heal yourself. We all know that happiness is very attractive to everyone, so why not choose to be happy right now? If you come up with a list of reasons, then you will always come up with a list of reasons. They will keep changing and adding on. Trust me, I know, I've been there! When someone had asked me that question, why not be happy now, I responded that I will only be happy once I've reached my goal weight. My friend had said "then you will never be happy, you have to be happy now". I argued with her saying, "no I will!" But she was right. Even

Magazine Advice and Standards

Hello again Bloggers!         OK for today's post, I want to talk a bit about the advice and information that are put out in women's magazines. I think that it's important to address this content because it's what's being distributed to the general public, and thousands, if not millions, of people are absorbing and using the information that is in these magazines. And the information and advice in most of these magazines (not all), at least in my personal opinion, is being used as a tool to control the behaviors of women, and giving them unhealthy and incorrect advice on subjects that women take and use in their personal lives. I've noticed this ever since I was a teenager, being able to spot unhealthy advice and wondering why and how that even got into the print . Even though magazines are great for inspiration and showing new creative trends, sometimes it's best to take what they say with a grain of salt. So I just want to create a hyper awareness of this

You Are Not Your Weight

Hello again everyone!         For today's post I want to talk about perspectives on weight, and how we let that affect how we view and define ourselves. This is certainly a topic that I have personally struggled with the most, out of all my topics so far, since I was a preteen. Unfortunately many other people also share my struggles with weight, especially since it's such a focus topic in our society, whether it's discussing the struggles and trying to find solutions, or praising and idolizing other's for their "perfect" bodies. The term "weight loss" still may catch your eye, but now relates to high hopes and disappointments, since we have tried it all, and no permanent solution has worked. But with a glimmer of hope and yearning desire to lose weight, you try again. I know, I've been there too! The endless cycle of trying and failing, making you start to think and believe that your ideal weight is truly impossible to achieve. But I've rec

Stand In Your Confidence

Welcome back beautiful people!         OK so for today's post, I want to discuss how to stand strong in how you hold yourself... to own your confidence. There are so many women and young girls out there who demonstrate a bit of a "wobbly" confidence level. It's like you are trying, but not quite getting there. But that's OK! It is a process of life to learn this, and I want to help you along the way. I know what you are going through because I myself used to be on the lower end of the "wobbliness" confidence level; I wanted to be confident, but on the inside I was putting myself down, unsure of myself, and even scared to put myself out there at all. It took a couple of years of growing and learning to get to where I am now, which is at a much healthier level. I learned how to be so much stronger and hold myself with the utmost self assured confidence. So I want to share with you some of my experiences of what and how I learned to get where I am today s