
Showing posts from October, 2016

Love your Body

Hello again everyone!         OK so for today's post I want to talk about body positivity and loving your body. This is something that I personally have struggled with my whole life and have recently overcome. I know that I am not alone here, and that many other women struggle with these same issues. There has been some great progress in this area, with having more realistic models model popular clothing brands and such, which is amazing! We need to keep moving forward in that direction, since there has been so much damage done, and damage that is yet still occurring. I want to help you not only be positive about how you feel about your body, but truly and sincerely LOVE it! Love and be happy about the skin you're in. Let's get down to it and really discuss and address not only what the core issues are, but how to overcome them. So I am going to help guide you through the muddy and trapped thinking of having a negative relationship with your own body.          To start th

Embrace your Aging!

Welcome back my beautiful bloggers!         OK so for today’s post I want address the topic of anti-aging, and discuss ways that we can change our views on this process in terms of beauty and how we let it affect inner and outer-selves. I feel that it is important to address this because it is such a huge concern to women in our society. It has become extreme in the sacrifices that some women are making in order to avoid the physical effects of aging in terms of fine lines and wrinkles. Well first of all, you cannot avoid the physical effects of aging.  It is impossible… we are made of flesh not plastic. You can try, but nature does and will always win. So stop stressing about it! Don’t try to control things that are beyond your power. Now I’m going to do the opposite of that. I’m going to ask you to embrace this inevitable process. ‘Embrace it?!’ You may say?…Yes, you heard me, embrace your aging. Resisting it will only cause you further pain. So let go. And let the love and happin

Honoring your Beautification Rituals

Hello everyone!         OK so for today's post, I want to encourage and discuss why you should really take care and enjoyment of your beauty rituals, like doing your makeup and hair every morning. You should honor this precious time that you have by yourself and enjoy the process. You may not think you have the time or that it's not THAT worthy of your attention, but here I will talk about why you should rethink how you feel about that. You deserve to devote your time and energy into doing what makes you feel good to prepare for the day and not be rushed.         Now I am going to use another personal example, one that I have already used in past blogs, but those times are part of what inspired me to write this blog in the first place, so forgive me if I sound repetitive. When I was a teenager, I absolutely loved getting ready for school in the morning, the whole beautification process of putting on my makeup, doing my hair, and putting on all of my accessories. I would even

We Are Our Own Princesses, Goddesses, and Queens!

Hey there my beauties!         OK so for today's post, I want to talk about owning up to your right as a beautiful Goddess, Queen, and Princess. Connecting to your royalty as a feminine being. Many of us women don't think and feel so highly of ourselves, and why not? We should! We are the embodiment of feminine energy, it makes us part of who we are. No more putting ourselves down or underestimating our worth and rights, time for our strength and lights to shine upon each other and the planet we walk on. So I want to talk a bit about what I mean by "our royalty" and how and why you should own up to this extraordinarily beautiful part of who you are.          First I want to share what inspired me to write this post. It is now October and Halloween is coming up. So I am seeing a lot of costumes everywhere, and I now see so many variations of the Disney Princess's dresses out. People still go nuts over those classic cartoon icons, even as adults. That got me to th

Why You Should Surround Yourself With Beauty

Welcome back everyone!         OK so for today's post, I want to talk about surrounding yourself with beauty, and how to feel and connect to the beauty within. Surrounding yourself with things that you find beautiful helps you to connect to the energy of beauty, like a flow, uplifting your attention and even subconscious mind with it. Especially if you are down in the dumps, this helps to make you feel happier and appreciative of the gorgeous things on this earth. And it's fun! So I want to discuss more on how and why you should indulge in decorating your spaces with lots of wonderful, beautiful things!         OK so lets explain why this is a good idea for you. Beauty is a positive aspect of life; it is spiritual, and it is healing. When you look at something that you find pretty, your thoughts are focused on that gorgeousness in that moment, it is a positive response. Some things you find so beautiful that they make you very happy and you love their presence and existence.

Accepting Yourself Just as You Are

Hello beautiful people!         OK so for today's post, I want to talk about acceptance. How and why should accept yourself fully, 100% as you are right now. Accepting all of your so called "flaws", things you don't like about yourself and your body, past mistakes, all of it. And right now, in this very moment. Because often we SAY we will accept ourselves in the future, like once we lose weight, or get a certain job, etc. That means that you will always just keep putting acceptance of yourself in the future, and never right now, which means...that likely you never will. You see? No, learn to do it now. It is a very powerful point of self growth to do so. This can be very challenging. But why should you do so and why is it so important? Well, it is important to be free. Free of burdens of guilt, shame, anger, and fears. You should be free to express you are and what you want to be, with no limits. If you do not fully accept yourself, then you are still holding someth

Beauty Is In The Soul

Hey there!         OK so for today's post, I want to talk about how a beautiful personality is what makes you beautiful inside and out. Haven't you ever met someone whose personality was so big and lovely it completely changed your mind from your first impressions/judgments about them? Their personality is so infectiously wonderful, and shining so brightly, you can't help but know how truly beautiful they really are... despite what beauty "standards" they meet or not. They make you smile and laugh, and you can sense their genuine authenticity for how happy they make you feel while talking to and being around them. You can even sense it in the sound of their voice sometimes. Is their voice soft and gentle? Louder but friendly? Or is it harsh and unappealing? This usually gives an idea of the person with the voice; for example, haven't you ever found that after seeing someone then speaking to them their voice isn't at all what you thought it would be? I'

Get Out There and Shine!

Hello there Bloggers!         OK so for today's post I want to talk about stepping out of your comfort zone and really revealing to the world who you really are. How to feel good about yourself. Inside and out. I understand it can be very difficult to do these days, but I am here to encourage and motivate you to stay true to you and follow your dreams, and to be and stay positive. There is hope and you have a reason to be excited about your future...while feeling comfortable in your own skin. So let's talk about ways to do that.         So I want to first discuss something that I have noticed has become a common poisoning in not only women, but in our society and may seem irrelevant, but I will get there. It's the silent but addictive habit of staying at home too much and indulging in things like Netflix and the internet. More and more people are complaining that they have no friends or money and are spending less time together and out and about. I mean I haven't do