The 7 Reasons Why You Cannot Meditate

Hello All!
        How are you all doing on your spiritual journey? Magically, I trust. Today I want to share with you the reasons why you may have difficulty meditating. Especially if you're new to practicing meditation, this will soothe your frustrations and provide you the tools for your ultimate success with it. I personally struggled in the beginning, and was told that I was trying too hard, which was only somewhat helpful. So with practicing and making some lifestyle changes, I finally got the hang of it. Meditation is now something I must do daily for keeping calm, grounded, and balanced. What inspired me to write this post is that I went through a period of time where a life event disrupted my ability to meditate. I woke up the next day trying to do my daily meditation routine, and was completely blocked. Nothing I tried worked to help me get back to being able to meditate the way I was before the event. It was a very scary time for me! So from that experience, and with tons of research and consulting with experts, I was eventually able to learn what does work and why.

        First, I want to explain what mediation is. Meditation is a deep state of relaxation. You are not quite sleeping; it's more like coming into "neutral" with your mind...detached, open minded, not strongly pulled to either negative or positive. So then what does it mean to relax anyways? To have no worries and to feel good. Then you may be asking, "how is that different from sleeping?" So what makes meditation different from sleeping is that your mind is focused on the present moment with an intention to connect to something. When you go to sleep, your mind is passive with the general intention to go sleep, not to keep awake and connect with other things in your mind. And although you may fall asleep while meditating, they are not the same thing. Meditation is the ability to calm and manage your emotions connected to your thought. There are many different forms of meditation. If your mind is zoning out when you are driving or running at the gym listening to music, and you get into that state of mind where you are focused but also on autopilot in way, since you still are focused on the present moment, I consider that a form of meditation. I personally feel a sense of peace and receive lots of intuitive guidance and messages while I'm in those states. So please don't panic if you think you've failed at meditating because you sat on a cushion for 15 minutes and all you got was you telling yourself "I don't think I'm doing this right" or "this isn't comfortable" because that is not the only way to meditate! I never even meditate like that myself. So I am going to share with you options of what will work and what you need to be doing and expecting. But first, lets take a look at what you could be doing wrong that's preventing you from achieving the meditation practice that you desire.

1. You are not comfortable enough.
            So there are some sources out there that say you can focus on the pain or discomfort you experience and to not judge it. I'm not saying that this is wrong at all, but if you are reading this and you've tried it, you will just keep ending up frustrated. But if you feel that that technique may be something you want to explore more for physical health issues or whatever reasons, then I recommend working with someone who does martial arts or qui quong, because they are experts in meditation and connecting with the body, and they would be able to help guide you in the beginning so you can do it successfully and accurately. But if you feel that is a block to your mediation practice, then it probably is. The body should generally be very comfortable, because you don't want to be distracted by being too cold or your lower back hurting. I usually meditate laying down in bed, or in a very comfy chair. Now some of you may be saying "that's the problem...I always fall asleep!" So my recommendation for that is to follow through with the rest of the suggestions in this post, and also you can keep the lights on, sit up, keep your eyes open but glazed, or you can try a walking meditation instead. So depending on what works for you or if you fall asleep very quickly, try out different positions and comfort levels until you are able to relax your body and mind.

2. You are too hungry or thirsty (or both).
          So like I said in the previous paragraph, the body needs to be very comfortable in order to really relax. I've had times where I've tried to meditate but wasn't able to relax because my blood sugar was too low or I was just hungry. Or if you are dehydrated and that is making you feel irritated, you won't be able to meditate properly. You don't need to meditate right after you eat and drink, but you do need to make sure that you have had enough so that you are able to relax and focus.

3. You are using the wrong music.
           There are lots of different kinds of music available to use during meditation. So this is where it gets subjective. If you don't particularly enjoy listening to 'relaxation meditation' music, but you are forcing yourself to listen to it because you think you have to in order to meditate, then that is a block. In fact, you don't have to listen to any music at all, if that is what you prefer... lots of people don't use any music; they like to listen to whatever sounds are around them in that moment. So choose music that you enjoy that makes you feel relaxed, if you feel that music does actually help you to chill out enough to get you into a meditative state. You should feel the flow of the music and it should have a calming effect on you at some level...not to be a distraction but enough to allow you to focus. I personally use relaxation music because I connect to it's flow, and I feel it helps the energy in my environment be more serene for meditation. Bottom line: Don't force yourself to listen to what you don't want to!

4. You are expecting something to happen.
          I know when I first tried to meditate, I honestly was expecting something big to happen, like to hear a solid voice of infinite wisdom whisper to me all of the answers to my problems and life's biggest secrets...but that didn't happen. When you show up for meditation, it's about you setting an intention of some kind, not just sitting there thinking random thoughts and just hoping you accomplish something. That intention may simply be to relax your emotions from a stressful situation, to clear energetic blocks like cleansing your chakras, or to ground and center yourself at the beginning or end of your day. Meditation is about focus and reaching a different state of consciousness through that focus- it doesn't just pop into your head out of luck. So be gentle on yourself and don't give up if you feel like you haven't gotten to where you want to be yet, you will get there.

5. Your environment is holding you back.
          So like I've been saying so far, you need to be pretty comfortable to focus. So if you are in your bedroom trying to meditate and your mom or sister is on the phone in the room right next to you, talking so loud that that you can hear the entire conversation, that is all you will be focusing on. Which is irritating and very distracting. Some noises are good focus points to help relax like birds chirping or children playing in the distance. But if you are so consumed with the noise such as voices then you probably won't be able to meditate. If your room for whatever reasons is too difficult a place to focus, then either wait till everyone leaves the house, put headphones on, or find a spot elsewhere like a park or even the library where you can be alone. You should feel completely safe to relax and not be on edge that someone will knock on the door and disturb you, if you can help it. Pay attention to those thoughts in the back of your head like worrying someone or something will disturb you, because those are what's preventing you from meditating properly. Figure out what those are, and find solutions to whatever those are so you can take care of the problems and have a routine and plan ready so you can fully relax and focus. My second point to this is to CLEAR YOUR SPACE! Energetically and physically. Smudge your room with sage and clear out all unwanted and old energies that are trapped in there. Physically clean your space, vacuum, throw old things and trash away, wipe the dust, wash your bedspread, open the windows and let fresh air in. Move that stagnant energy out so you can let new and positive energy in to help you grow in a supportive environment. Once your space is clear, you can use candles, incense, or an essential oil diffuser to help the energy be serene for meditation. If it smells and feels good in your room or meditation space, then that will help you be more comfortable. If your space smells bad or you are distracted by it, then that is not comfortable. Get excited and set the intention to have a clear space and invite new energy into your life.

6. You are not breathing properly/ deeply enough.
          Now this one is something I've learned when I had the event in my life that disrupted my ability to meditate. I realized I couldn't take a deep belly breath. My breathing was short and shallow to the point I would almost pass out almost all the time. When you are super worried or have health issues that are not being taken care of, your breathing gets compromised. At any given moment, you should be able to take a couple of deep, balancing belly breaths. I was so out of balance that I couldn't do it AT ALL, even when I really tried! The breath is a marker of how relaxed you are and where your thought pattern and energy are at. If you cannot breathe deeply at any given moment, then you will not be able to meditate fully. Your body needs that oxygen, and if you are not getting enough of it, then you won't relax and the body cannot be comfortable. This one is key. So if you are at the point where you can't breathe deeply, then that's where you need to make some lifestyle changes. Take a look at your health and fitness and make appropriate changes. Go to the doctor or find a new one if you need to. Exercise of any form will definitely help, even simple walking outside in fresh air. MOVE MOVE MOVE! Yoga is a powerful and very effective way to move energy and oxygen so they can release and circulate in a healthy way. Yoga is also good because it makes you be still, slow and not rush. Exercising too hard with the intention to run away from your problems with that rushy energy will only fuel that energy more. Stretch. Focus on the present moment of the yoga session or leisurely walk outside and leave all worries at the door for that half hour or so. This is why people take walks when they want to 'clear their head' because it does! It moves those energies of worry and overthinking down the body and out for releasing to the ground instead of staying stagnant and creating more imbalances from not being acknowledged or moved around and out. And make sure you make it a regular habit and try to exercise everyday if you are able. Don't just do it once; if your breathing is really out of balance then it will take time and commitment for the body to re balance. Follow what feels good and don't push yourself too hard, but do be open to going outside of your comfort zone. When you can take a couple of deep breaths and feel relaxed at any given moment, then you will be able to meditate properly.

7. You are being too negative/desperate.
           So this one also goes with the one above and breathing. I wasn't able to meditate fully until I made the decision to become more positive and hopeful in my life. Working on yourself and your limiting beliefs about what you want and your goals will help tremendously. Faith in yourself and in the Universe provides a safe feeling which enables you to move forward. If you have a desperation mentality which is coming for a dire need and hopelessness feeling, then your body has most of that energy in it, which creates blocks and imbalances. And if you are always on edge or have constant neediness in your thoughts, then that energy will only provide you more of the same. You must relax knowing that you are actually fine and that things can and will get better. Focus on gratitude, things that you already have in your life that you are grateful for, shift your focus onto the positive. This includes working on your sub- and unconscious mind and the fears, limiting beliefs and negativity in your thought patterns from the past and present and about the future. So when I had the event in my life that disrupted this, and went to meditate, thinking I WAS being positive because I was doing my meditating routine as usual, it turns out something happened to my sub- and unconscious thoughts that prevented me from fully relaxing because it needed to be addressed and released on all levels. So be mindful of that and work with a therapist if you feel you need to, so they can help you process emotions that you didn't even know you had. If you try and go meditate with a negative and desperate attitude, then you will say "OK that did nothing, it did not provide for me what I'm looking for", won't you? That is because you are seeking something outside of yourself. And like I mentioned above, meditation isn't about "getting" anything. It is about relaxing your emotions. Letting go of expectations and judgments that are looking to fill the needy energy. Because your thoughts create and have a direct effect on your emotions! So if you really want to meditate, you must shift your focus and change your mindset to positive. That feels better anyways, right?


Once you have finally begun to properly meditate, then you are on a great path! Meditation is very powerful and can change your entire reality into your dreams. And if you can take deep breaths at any given moment, then you can meditate anywhere because with practicing meditation, you can master meditation. Once you have got the hang of it, you can do any kind of meditation you want. You can do guided meditations, chakra and aura cleansing meditations, past life meditations, inner child meditations... the possibilities are endless. Master your ability to focus and manage your emotions, you will find your freedom and power. Create what you desire and enjoy your life with the tools of visualization and imagination in your meditation routine, and have FUN!

        Thank you for checking out this blog today and I hope you found it helpful. Please subscribe to emails for updates of new blog posts, news, and other announcements at: 
Sending you love and light,



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