The Power of Affirmations and The Law of Attraction

So grateful to have you here today!
        So today I want to talk to you about the magnificent power of using affirmations in your daily life and how they work with the law of attraction. I personally love using affirmations, and have done quite a bit of research on the law of attraction and manifestation processes. I have some valuable experience on my experimenting with this, and want to share what I've learned so far so that it will help you with the whole process and make it inspiring and easier to understand. I know that many people struggle and get stuck with the law of attraction, and I don't want anyone to give up. It can be tricky at first, especially with lots of confusing and even contradicting information out there, but this is what I have found throughout my years of diving into this practice, and I hope it will help you too!

         So first off, if you have never heard of the law of attraction, I recommend you watch the film "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne for a quick lesson on understanding what it is and how it works. The first 20 minutes are available on youtube for free:
Or you can pick up the book in the same title. Basically, what you think, say, feel, visualize, and act on creates your reality through energetic vibration. Everything is energy. Words and thoughts are forms of energy. And those create feelings, and the feelings with the words when focused together strongly and repetitively (negative or positive) creates what is called a manifestation. Just like "The Secret" explains, the law of attraction is always working, always in motion just like the law of gravity, it is a continuous part of life. So we are constantly in the creation process, with everything we do, say, and feel with every choice we make. The point of using affirmations is so you can consciously work with the law of attraction to create things that you consciously choose, things you desire. Since it is always working anyway, you do have the ability to make it work in your favor instead of being a product of just 'whatever' and letting others fears and intentions control what manifests for you because you don't make the effort to change what you are putting out there. Make sense?
        So affirmations and working on your unconscious and subconscious mind, your deep seated beliefs from your whole life, is really key into changing what manifests for you. BELIEF and faith are absolutely essential in manifesting what you want. You may really want something but don't really believe what you want is possible, either from fear or thought projections of other people. Therefore, it will not be able for manifest until you truly believe it is possible, and that you deserve it.

 Because really anything is possible, it is only the limits that hold on what is doable for us. So this is where you will need to put some effort into this manifesting process in order to get what you want: you must change your beliefs. Fortunately, there are many tools available to assist you in changing your thinking, and with that also change the energies that are attached to those old beliefs within you, that do not serve you and your deep desires and goals. Here are some suggestions to help you with this:
  • Listening to, saying, and writing down positive affirmations toward your goals daily.
    Great Abundance Affirmations:
  • Doing Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) to help release old beliefs and fears to shift into healing and positive mindset.
  • Listening to paraliminals:
  • Working with a life coach on dealing with fears and blocks.
  • Watching, talking with or reading about other people's inspiring success stories that light you up as examples to help you see what you want IS possible.
  • Meditate on possible blocks such as worthiness, and pinpoint specific fears and meditate on where your worthiness or fears stem from and why.
  • Journal everything you want and feel, so you are not holding things in, and also expressing what you desire.

During this process, it's important to not judge yourself. Forgive and be gentle with yourself...this is about creating a beautiful life from your heart. You cannot get there if you are always being so hard on yourself, so let it go and choose compassion. Like I said, the law of attraction really is creating from what you feel. Don't ignore your feelings. Honor them and accept that this is real, that you are responsible for creating your own happiness. No one can do it for you. This is why I say that this part of the process is effort- its so much easier to just ignore the truth and be negative, blaming everything and everyone else for the way your life is. Continuing to live that life seems easy. But if you really want to experience true, fulfilling change, you will have to change the way you think and make a commitment towards always choosing your goal consistently.
        This is where faith comes in and where most people get stuck. You must consistently choose your goal BECAUSE you truly believe that it is possible...the intention, the real reason for the decision, for each choice you make, is what is creating the results and what you are manifesting. For example, if you go to the gym because you feel like you have to, so you can say that you put effort into getting into shape, the intention being to get it over with so that you can say you tried, you will not manifest what you want, which is the goal of feeling good and actually getting into shape. You will manifest a continuous cycle of saying "See, I tried, and its not possible!" You will keep creating self defeat. Versus you making the decision from the heart, the INTENTION to honor your choice to take care of you body and fulfill a deep see its like you automatically know its just do it because of that heart based reason. And you can see also where worthiness and deservingness comes into this choice as well. Which is why you must always keep choosing the ultimate goal with your intentions. You can start to see why its so important to change your mindset, since consciously creating with the law of attraction is a completely different lifestyle than what we are all used to and have always done.

        Just as mentioned in The Secret, you must become steel, so strong and committed to your beliefs and have unwavering faith in them, in yourself, in the Universe, and in your Creator. Because you will be tested, people will try and sabotage you, to delay you, to keep you from getting there, if you let them. All it takes is a little doubt for them to do this, which is why I said STEEL. You cannot react to what you don't believe, so do not react when what appears to be a block or resistance comes up and practice non-attachment. Complete trust and faith is something that only you can do, which is why it may seem scary, because you won't know how you will reach your ultimate goal, you just have to know that it will, and stand by that decision no matter what. The stronger your faith and trust and commitment, the faster you will see what you want manifest into your life. You will feel it. You will feel good, and it will be effortless delivery to you with following your intuitive nudges and guidance.

        I want to go back to affirmations for a bit. I recommend saying them out of the blue throughout your day, especially out loud because your subconscious will hear that and soak it in. Try and say them with strong focus and feeling as much as you can, like they are true. I experimented with this and it worked. Think of something in your life that is true, like you have a bank account. Something simple. Notice your feeling of simple truth when you say this out loud, don't add attachments to it. You simply have a bank account. Now try saying "the money in my bank account is always increasing" with the same 'simple truth' focus and feeling that you had with saying "I have a bank account". If you feel resistance, then try it at another time when you are feeling a bit better, its best not to take huge leaps when you are not feeling too hot then making yourself feel worse when you notice that this statement isn't currently true, because then you will dwell in THAT and make that stronger. So don't judge yourself and try again at another time. Try doing this one statement without pressure, as if its true, whenever you feel like it. If you feel pressure that you have to do this because you need money or that you are doing it wrong, then that is a block because the intention is fear and it will not work. This is co-creating in a nutshell. I did this during a full moon (energy is magnified on full moons) and the next day had a random $150 in my bank account. I still don't know where it was from!

        The affirmations in particular that I recommend saying are "I choose", because it shifts the intention from a desire to a choice, and "I am", because that is a way of claiming your power in declaring what you are. And writing is a powerful way of putting your goals and intentions into physical form. Frequently write down "I am abundant. I choose to have money." and see how that feels for you. The simple act of doing that is a step in the right direction towards those creations. I would like to note that its important to know that you cannot create an absence of something. You cannot create an absence of money issues, an absence of relationship problems, or sickness. With the law of attraction, you must focus on creating money, not wanting to have an absence of money, and a happy relationship, and good health. So focus on that instead of getting drowned in the energy of overwhelm and fears and other negativity. The goal should make you feel good, feeling good is always part of the goal, keep that in mind.

         So this was a nice little cultivation of what I personally have learned while practicing the law of attraction and I hope that this was able to help you in some way. Please share this to anyone you feel may be struggling with manifesting as well, so we can help as many people as possible. And feel free to share your experiences! I would love to hear from you, and so would our community as well. You can do it, I have faith in you. Always go back to point zero when you feel stuck: ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. That is the truth, always go back to it, because it will set you free from limitations. This process is supposed to be exciting, so have fun with it and allow that energy momentum to build. Thank you so much for stopping by, I appreciate everyone who takes the time to read my work. You are loved and supported. Until the next blog,
      Love and light,


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