I Quit College and Went to Beauty School

Hello again beautiful people!
        So today I wanted to share with you my story of how I courageously dropped out of college to follow my dreams. This is something that is going against the norm in our society, so it was not easy to do. I really had to rely on my own intuition to guide me, and trust that everything was going to work out. These days, it seems that's getting harder and harder for people to do, so I hope that sharing how I was able to leave my comfort zone and take huge risks to follow my dreams, it will be able to help you too. And it was all completely worth it- I am glad I did it and am proud of where it has brought me today.

The Beginning: A Lost, Hopeless Girl
I am going to start by sharing a little overview of my life up until my turning point. I have one younger brother 2 years younger than me, and we both went to the same Catholic school together. I was an extremely shy, sensitive, and introverted teenager who didn't drink or do any sort of drugs. I really did not love myself and got very easily embarrassed by everything. I barely had any friends, so my brother and I spent most of our time together since we were close and best friends. I had so many fears that I strongly believed were true- that I would never find a good job and make any money, that I would continue to not have any friends, that I would never find love or get married, and that I would never reach my goal weight and body and be happy. Some of these fears were thought projections of my family that I took on, and the others all intertwined with the reasons of the other fears.
         Although my family was more middle class, the high school that I went to was more middle to upper class families. It wasn't unusual to see some seniors pull up in their BMWs and expensive cars, designer purses and jewelry that were given to them by their parents. These are the type of parents that also were hard core college; 98% of graduates got into and went off to good colleges and universities. So there was a ton of pressure around the students to go to college and a good one. I once overheard a parent asking her daughter's friend where she was going to go, and the friend said that she was going to go to beauty school to do hair. The parent gave an obviously disapproving "Oh okay," and changed the subject.  
        I knew that I wanted to do makeup and go into the beauty industry with my dream of becoming a celebrity makeup artist. But when I voiced that to my guidance counselor and family, they said that I wouldn't make enough money off of doing that and it would be best to find my calling when I started college, and to just have my major be "undecided" until I find what I want to do. So since I had no idea where I wanted to go and was quite frankly terrified of going to college (all those movies and TV shows growing up made it seem like a scary frat party with professors that embarrass you) I just chose to go to the nearby state school that my cousin attended and who was still there. So I started in the fall of 2008 as a commuter (definitely still wanted to live at home!) and took some basic classes, even had one with my cousin. I was so frightened at first, but with some time I eventually got over most of my fears at being at college and socializing with new people in a new environment. I started to see and realize that people don't really care what you look like or who you are. At my college, everyone just did their own thing and minded their own business. There was none of that immature judgmental type of vibe going on, everyone was free and following their own ambitions so they didn't really have time or the care to judge me. That really helped me grow a lot and started helping me feel not so embarrassed by everything I did, because no one actually cares. I see this as the start of me coming to love myself and getting outside of my comfort zone.

Starting to Come Out of My Shell
So over the next two years, I began walking outside everyday, doing yoga and going to the gym and learning about meditation. In this one particular class, the professor made it mandatory for us to join twitter and follow each other and make tweets about social issues. My professor was following this one page called The Daily Love, and she often retweeted their quotes. I really enjoyed these little bits of inspiration everyday, and joined their daily email list. These emails helped change my life. They started to heal and change the way I think about myself and the challenges of life. The Daily Love emails taught me how to take my power back, and to view my blocks in a different way which helped to remove a lot of fear in how I responded to things and in the way that I thought. The combination of going outside everyday and exercising my body with The Daily Love teachings resulted in a lot of powerful growth for me during those few years.
        During my third year at college, I was starting to see results of all of my growth in action. I actually got a 0 on a paper I wrote, the professor saying that I plagiarized. While I did not copy and paste my paper, he claimed that I did not cite the sources correctly which is still considered plagiarism. Being one of every student's biggest fear (even if they didn't intend to!) I very surprisingly did not care. I was confused and surprised at myself for not caring...why didn't I care? It was clearly a sign from the Universe that I was no longer supposed to be at college. If I was putting effort into something I really didn't care about, then it did not serve me and was a waste of my time. After all, I was pressured to go and truly never wanted to be there in the first place. At this point it was becoming more and more clear that I was meant to be somewhere else. More little things continued to happen like that, pushing me out. It would be what Tarot card readers call "the tower effect", when everything seems to be falling apart to get your attention to make a change in your life. And that is exactly what I did.

Taking the Leap of Faith
During this transition process, I was led to a book called "Follow your Passion, Find your Power" by Bob Doyle. This book taught me how to listen to and follow my intuition, and where to start in pursing your dreams. So I took the first step I could possibly take, I quit college at the end of my third year, and enrolled into the nearby beauty school in Esthetics, which is licensing in makeup, facials and waxing. And boy did I get a rough response from mostly everyone in my life. Everyone told me I wouldn't make any money and that it was dumb to leave college. But TDL emails had forewarned me that people tend to get jealous and even mean when they see you stepping into your power and doing what you really want, and to not let them get to you. They are upset at themselves for not doing so and they want to drag you down with them. He was right. But taking this huge leap of faith produced magical results.               
        Everything felt so exciting and right on my first day of beauty school. I met some of my best friends who I am still friends with to this day. Everyone there loved me for who I was, and we had so much fun together. When I was at college, I actually didn't make any friends. I did my work then went home and hung out my with brother. But at beauty school, these girls genuinely liked me and we became very close. I continued to go more outside of my comfort zone socially and in learning new things...I was always good at doing makeup, but facials and waxing were totally new for me. Not to mention the HUGE makeup and skincare kits that were given to us to use as part of our tuition (we all looked like kids on Christmas receiving our kits). Although it was short, beauty school was some of the best memories of my life.

During our last few weeks at school, I was offered an opportunity to be an assistant makeup artist on a local TV show to the head makeup artist who worked on celebrities. This was part of my dream, to work on sets and do makeup for TV and movies! I was scared, I wasn't sure I could do a good job- the type of scared when something exciting that's part of your dream comes along, and doubts start to creep in. But I knew I would regret not taking it, and it was clearly offered and meant for me, all the girls in my class said obviously this is for you, you are the makeup girl. This was my reward for taking my leap of faith...the Universe likes action. I went on the set and it was so much fun, and I did a great job. I felt absolutely amazing the entire time, and everything flowed easily and happily.
        After graduation, I worked in a salon where I did makeup, facials, and waxing as the esthetician. I learned so much and started making money which felt great to receive for doing what I love. From there I went and got my massage therapy license, got attuned in Reiki, and started to learn to do angel readings. One step led to the next, then to the next, and so on. And I continue to grow and am happily making good money doing what I love and am I the process of starting my own business. See, you don't have to be good at just one thing, you can be good and pursue many different things that you love. Nothing is set in stone. That is what life is all about, stepping into the unknown with faith and trust, while following your heart. Your heart is your compass. If it feels good, then you are on the right track.
        So I really want to encourage all of you out there to go for your dreams! Take good care of your body so that you can listen accurately to what it is saying. Going on into nature is very healing, and exercising tends to break up stagnant energy where fear dwells which keeps us from hearing what our heart is really saying, and to take action on it. Take the first step, no matter how small. Even writing down your goals on a piece of paper or making a vision board is a great first step. Then meditate and do research when guided on the next steps. Don't worry about what the next step will be or when you will find it, just trust that it will. I have faith in you, and I am here for support. And I highly recommend the book I mentioned, "Follow your Passion, Find your Power" by Bob Doyle, the link is in the sidebar. You can do it! You are powerful and magical.
         Until next time,
   Love and light, Rebecca


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