How to Feng Shui your Wallet for Attracting More Money

Welcome back everyone!

        So today I want to share something fun with you that I did recently, and that is use feng shui when getting a brand new wallet. And I am super excited about it! I love and believe in feng shui, and have heard that you can use it in your wallet also. Your wallet is an important place in relation to your money. If there are ways to help me attract more money into my life that are as simple as "feng shuing" my wallet, why not give it a try? So I want to share my experience with this and how you can do it too.
        If you are not exactly sure what feng shui is, let me help you out by starting there. The dictionary defines "feng shui" as:" In (Chinese thought) a system of laws considered to govern spatial arrangement and orientation in relation to the flow of energy (qi), and whose favorable or unfavorable effects are taken into account when siting and designing buildings". So everything is about energy, and in feng shui, the placement of things for the effects and directions of that flow of energy. So energy is always there, always on the move, and when you are aware of it, it can be used with your conscious intention to help create desirable results to flow to you and your life. Make sense? So how does this relate to money and your wallet you may be wondering. Well feng shui is all about representation and intention, and how you feel. Do you have a particular item or photo in your home that whenever you pass by it or see it, you get subtly irritated whenever you see it, because it brings up a negative thought and emotion for whatever reason? For example, I have this family photo that I dislike how I look in it. In addition, the memory I have from the time that photo was taken, my family and I were in a big fight. So whenever I see that photo, all of those little thoughts and negative emotions come up, which then disturb either the neutral or positive state I was in slightly, or fuels the already negative state that I was in. Either way, it does cause a ripple effect to some degree, even if its small. One of the goals of feng shui is to create harmony and positive feelings in your space, to support the happy lifestyle you are trying to achieve.

In order to keep your space happy and inviting in new opportunities and things that you desire, it is encouraged to release and get rid of items that either have no use, and that provoke unhappy emotions and thoughts in you. So now lets get to the wallet. I had been noticing that my old black Coach wallet was really getting dirty, worn, and starting to fall apart a bit. So whenever I took out my wallet, all those things I would notice and it would make me feel annoyed at myself for not splurging on a new wallet that I clearly need. Do you see how that last sentence is a direct representation of my life? This goes deeper and relates to me not spending money on what I need and deserve, which is a worthiness issue, and something that is out of balance in my life.
        So lo and behold, after praying for a new wallet, I receive a $25 gift card to the accessory store Charming Charlies. Woo hoo! I was super happy and took my time picking out the perfect new wallet. I wanted something not too big, but big enough to have plenty of card holders, small pockets and folds to store things in, and one that would close securely. I eventually found this pretty light pink wallet with a gold clasp. It was perfect! It even had a small coin purse inside, which is what I wanted. I purchased and cleaned out all of the unneeded and unwanted stuff out of the old wallet. A good feng shui wallet should have only things you need and use, and not be cluttered with old receipts and used up gift cards. You want the energy to flow in the wallet to invite more money in and produce feelings of wealth and prosperity, and well being. It should be organized, clean, and close securely so that money energy doesn't leak out either, producing feelings of being secure that your cash and important cards are literally protected. You don't want to put fear energy to your wallet because you are always worrying that your money might fall out or something. See, those little things matter. And if you prefer to have less card holders and pockets, than that's good feng shui for you. Its all about making you happy and feel good about your wallet.
        So these are some suggestions and examples about how you can achieve good feng shui with your wallet, and introducing the concept to you. I certain had fun and feel SO much better about my wallet now! I will add a picture of the wallet so you can see my beautiful discovery. I hope you enjoyed this blog, and I will see you next time, thank you!
   Love and light,


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