
Showing posts from 2017

The Power of Crystal Healing

Welcome back my tribe!         So today I want to share and teach about my passion for crystals and crystal healing. Everyone who knows me personally knows how obsessed I am with my crystals! I nearly always have some with me and love to teach about them and how they work. Now I am not officially certified in crystal healing, but it is something I am working towards. So what I am sharing with you is from everything that I've read and learned and experienced throughout the years. I know when I was first interested in crystals, I was a bit confused on how they worked and what to do with them, so don't worry, I  too was unsure at first. But I am here to help you better understand crystal healing and hopefully get as excited (and addicted ;)) as I am to crystals.                          How My Crystal Journey Began Let me start with sharing how I first got interested in crystals. I was reading a book called "The Soulmate Secret" by Arielle Ford, which

The Natural Living Expo

Hello Everyone!         So for today I wanted to share with you a fun and exciting experience I had a few weeks ago. On November 11th, I attended the 11th Annual Natural Living Expo in Marlborough Massachusetts. I was invited to go by a friend back in September, so I had been looking forward to it for a while. I got there first thing in the morning at 8am. There was a buzz in the air... with lots of people setting things up and getting ready for the big weekend for all the fun stuff the expo had planned for us. The first 200 people got a free little bag with a magazine and bottle of water. Not the "goodie bag" I expected, but hey it was free!        The expo was held in a different parts of a hotel. One section held over 1000 exhibits and a tent with vegan and healthy food carts and eating area. Then you had to take a shuttle to the section where the workshops were being held. I first checked out all of the incredible exhibits that were set up. They were from different

How to Feng Shui your Wallet for Attracting More Money

Welcome back everyone!         So today I want to share something fun with you that I did recently, and that is use feng shui when getting a brand new wallet. And I am super excited about it! I love and believe in feng shui, and have heard that you can use it in your wallet also. Your wallet is an important place in relation to your money. If there are ways to help me attract more money into my life that are as simple as "feng shuing" my wallet, why not give it a try? So I want to share my experience with this and how you can do it too.         If you are not exactly sure what feng shui is, let me help you out by starting there. The dictionary defines "feng shui" as:" In (Chinese thought) a system of laws considered to govern spatial arrangement and orientation in relation to the flow of energy (qi), and whose favorable or unfavorable effects are taken into account when siting and designing buildings". So everything is about energy, and in feng shui,

The Magical Benefits of Pink Himalayan Salt

Welcome back all you lovely people! So today I want to share with you an experience that was a delightful new discovery! A few weeks ago, I was given a nightlight with chucks of pink Himalayan rock salt in it. Well upon hearing the many benefits of p ink H imalayan s alt ( PHS ), I decided to put a few of the chunks into the bath with me to see what all the big fuss was about. I soaked in the tub for a hour or so and it was super relaxing and rejuvenating. The magic happened when I got out of the bath and began to really feel the effects of my soak. I felt so much more lighter, cleansed, and even healed! Being energy sensitive, I felt an energetic shift, resonating more with positive and happier energies. Physically I felt as if I could move easier, and felt a deeper sense of balance and well being. I felt like a new person! Before, I was feeling irritated, heavy, had trouble breathing, and was physically aching all over. I have PCOS, and my pelvic area felt surprisingly much bett

Who is Archangel Michael? The Archangel of Protection

Hey again my friends!         So far I have taught you about 2 of the Archangels, Raphael and Jophiel. I thought it was important to now talk about the most well-known of all the Archangels named Archangel Michael. He is very close to God so his name means "He who is like God". He is the top protector amongst all the Archangels, and he specializes in every area of protection. So when you think of the attributes of strength, fearlessness, powerful safety and security, that will sum up Archangel Michael. The colors that pertain to him are royal blues and purples. Most modern accounts of him picture and describe a male with medium length blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and a masculine and muscular figure, with a fiery-warm energetic presence. He will surely help you to not only be, but feel totally protected. But protecting is not all there is to him. He's also in charge of helping one along with their life purpose and what each soul is meant to do here on earth. He