Who is Archangel Michael? The Archangel of Protection

Hey again my friends!

        So far I have taught you about 2 of the Archangels, Raphael and Jophiel. I thought it was important to now talk about the most well-known of all the Archangels named Archangel Michael. He is very close to God so his name means "He who is like God". He is the top protector amongst all the Archangels, and he specializes in every area of protection. So when you think of the attributes of strength, fearlessness, powerful safety and security, that will sum up Archangel Michael. The colors that pertain to him are royal blues and purples. Most modern accounts of him picture and describe a male with medium length blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and a masculine and muscular figure, with a fiery-warm energetic presence. He will surely help you to not only be, but feel totally protected. But protecting is not all there is to him. He's also in charge of helping one along with their life purpose and what each soul is meant to do here on earth. He is a very versatile angel to work with and definitely an asset to develop a daily connection with him in your life. Now let's discuss more on what he does and how to work with him.
        Depending on what religion you are or grew up as, you may already be somewhat familiar with him. He is also known as Saint Michael in other religions. He is commonly depicted with a shield and sword, and often displayed destroying demons. Although he doesn't really appear blonde haired and blue eyed as I described in these depictions, that is more so because that was the traditional way for artists to create that version of angels in those times. His depictions today have come from spiritual visions people have experienced through things like meditations and clairvoyance when they have connected with him. He is also very well known as the Patron Saint of police officers... yes, this is that same angel! So like the traditional religious depictions of him destroying demons, AAMichael really does step in to shield us from actual lower and negative spirits and entities while we walk upon this earth. They are just in a different dimension, as is Michael, and he works hard to keep us and the planet safe. But Archangel Michael doesn't just do "the big jobs" of destroying bad spirits, he also works on helping us humans to heal fear itself, with our fear based thoughts, actions, and even memories. The goals include ridding us from experiencing fear as much as possible, which would ultimately be what is known as Enlightenment... but that is a different topic. AAMichael strives to help us heal ourselves and our lives to experience more love, peace and joy, since the opposite of fear is love. Protection from physical harm is also part of AAMichael's task. He will protect and guard your physical body, your belongings, while you drive in your car, your home, and anything else you need when you feel unsafe in any circumstances. As you can see, his roles involve keeping us free from any and all types of harm on all levels.

        As previously mentioned, Archangel Michael is also in charge of keeping things running smoothly with people's life purposes. He will come into your life when it is time to begin your life purpose, and he will intuitively guide you toward which and what steps to take to get going. He will provide you with lots of support and courage for you to take these steps. Your life purpose is what your soul agreed to accomplish to serve God and humanity before you were incarnated into your human body. Your life purpose usually involves something you are very passionate about and involves helping others in some way, and AAMichael will lead you to what that is if you are still unsure. So AAMichael promptly keeps things in check and moving along in the direction and pace they are meant to for God's mission of peace as well as your soul's evolution.
        To begin directly working with Archangel Michael, you may ask God to send him to you, so you know that it is the true Archangel Michael that you are connecting with. You can do this with your thoughts in your head, out loud, or in writing, with the intention of connecting with him. He is omnipresent so he is able to be with anyone at all times. Especially call upon him if you are afraid in any way. Then communicate with him what your concerns are and be sure to ask him for his help and protection. He cannot help you if you do not specifically ask for it, because of the Law of Free Will. And the more detailed permission and explanation of your concern, the more he can help. And remember to always thank him.

        Archangel Michael is also best to call on to clear your energy, like if you feel drained from a negative friend or situation. AAMichael emphasizes the importance of cord cutting and he can help you with this. Just ask him to cut your cords to the name of the person or even situation or feeling that is not in your highest good by saying something like "Archangel Michael, could you now please cut all of my cords to Ashley. Could you please cut all of my cords to fear of lack of money. Could you now cut all of my cords to all of my co-workers " etc. You can then ask him to vacuum away any and all negative, harmful and fearful energies and entities from all of your multidimensional bodies across all dimensions, since your psychical body isn't the only part of you, you have other energy bodies and systems like your aura and such, and it is important to ask him to clear them all. AAMichael works on healing all fear-based and negative emotions such as anger, pain, depression, guilt, bitterness, and other negative related emotions and states. He will work toward helping you to forgive, let go, and heal these so you can continue to work toward total peace and happiness. You can hand the situation over to him to handle, and cut your cords and vacuum with him daily, and that will bring immense progress with this process. 

        Additionally Archangel Michael knows that night-time is a vulnerable time of day, and he wants you to call upon him if you feel scared and he will protect you while you sleep, so just ask. Be sure to really try to feel and envision his loving and comforting presence with you as you go to bed, and really just anytime you call for him. I told you he is a versatile angel!
        Overall, Archangel Michael is just wonderful to work and communicate with. He's actually quite the comedian and will make jokes to help you laugh...he is not all serious as his responsibilities may make him seem; he is strong but friendly. In some instances he may have to act like a stern father, especially if you are not doing what he has repeatedly asked you to. And in other instances he can be like that nice guy friend that you have who encourages you, cracks jokes, and is just there for you when you need it. He provides excellent detailed guidance as well, and this becomes stronger and clearer the more that you connect and work with him. And if you are really down in the dumps, he will give you comforting angel hugs...in fact he gave me one as I began to write this blog! It's a very cuddly and warm feeling and I hope that everyone gets to experience angel hugs at some point. He never judges you or gets impatient so no need to worry about that, he's an angel! He really is like an unseen friend in your life if you allow him to offer you his guidance and help. 
        If you desire to connect with him more and want reminder of his presence in your life, there are many items that you can get. Many spiritual stores sell little to big statues of him, an Archangel Michael candle, incense, worry stone with his name on it, a laminated card or picture of him, or even jewelry. Anything with his name or picture will do. Archangel Michael also is responsive when you write letters as an open communication with him- ask, listen, and receive the flow of guidance that comes as you write. Don't judge what you get and relax and easily write whatever comes. Later you will look back at how accurate the guidance was! And this writing process becomes easier the more you do it. Allow yourself to let loose and relax as you feel much safer with this Archangel working by your side. Please, never hesitate to call for him, he actually really wants you to... and is always eager to help and connect with you. So prepare yourself to experience the loving power of having Archangel Michael in your life. Archangel Michael desires to help as many people as possible, so share your experiences with your friends and family if you feel guided! 
        That is it for today's post, please keep an open mind and don't wait to start asking for AAM's daily protection, guidance, clearing and healing. Thank you so much for checking this out. Until next time! 
        Sending you Love and Light,


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