Following Guidance with Manifesting

Hello again friends!

 Happy to have you back! Today I want to share with you everything I've learned about working with the law of attraction, following intuitive guidance, and working with angels and spirit guides, and how they all fit into this process. So this post is going to be geared mostly to those with familiarity and some experience of these things already. I know you are all brilliant, intuitive creators and artists that may have been on this spiritual journey as long as me, if not longer, or you may be fairly new. I've been on my spiritual journey since 2011, and have learned a lot from all of my experiences and also through the experiences of my spiritual friends as well. Recently, I've heard of other people dealing with the same issues that I've already learned from, so I wanted to share and help you so you can learn from my lessons, and hopefully your journey can be easier and smoother because of it. So if you are a sensitive empath, healer, or light worker struggling with manifesting, guidance and general law of attraction stuff, read more to learn about:

  • Where Intuitive/Divine guidance is coming from and why.
  • Clarifying the role of your angels & spirit guides.
  • How you can learn to trust yourself and the guidance you are receiving.
  • How to interpret the guidance you're receiving accurately and what the typical blocks to this are. 
  • Why our manifesting role of everything we do revolves around the law of attraction.
  • Receiving clarity as an empath.
  • How to discern false guidance from true guidance.
  • How and when to take action on the guidance.
  • Understanding our power with free will.

What Brings Guidance Fourth: Your 
Goals & Communication with Your Spiritual team

By now, you are aware of the manifestation process with conscious co-creation. You've seen it work through other people's lives as well as your own. You've made vision boards, lists, and other forms of requests of your desires to the Universe. The Universe has heard these requests and is answering them. This answer is coming in the form of intuitive guidance. So this guidance is coming to you on a specific string and flow of energy. The Universe is in the process of rearranging people, places and things in order to deliver to you your request, and that flow is what your guidance comes from and is on, and what will bring your desire into physical manifested form if you continue to maintain that energy within you while also following the guidance that is being offered with it. It is important to understand that this string of energy and guidance is coming to you in your current reality in response to requests that YOU put out. If you had not done so, then that guidance wouldn't be there. Because at some level, and some form, you must ask. You do this with your focus, intentions, words, and actions. YOU are the one making the decisions to manifest whatever it is you want to manifest, it's coming from within you, and not some outside sources. I wanted to clarify this because sometimes we think something is guidance and we try to follow it, almost like forcing it, hoping and desperately expecting something to be a sign or guidance when it's really not. That's why I said this guidance comes on a specific energy, and it just flows. 

Intuitive and Divine guidance is also the way your angels and spirit guides communicate with you. This is either in response to your questions they are answering for you, or it's their guidance to help you with the goals you are trying to manifest. I had gotten stuck in this for quite some time...I thought that because they were telling me to do something that I had to do it just because they said so. That is not the case. You are never doing anything for the angels and guides, it's about you and what you are manifesting. They are simply offering the best solutions possible from where you are currently at. So that is something I learned along my journey, they are just responding to you and offering guidance, it doesn't mean you have to follow it or do it and if you don't then there will be disastrous consequences (that's what I kept assuming!). However, since they are in another dimension, they are able to see energy and possible future timelines. So they will warn you if they see that you are manifesting danger so that you can either change what you are manifesting or avoid it. Because like I said, we all operate on the law of attraction, and that is the law, and that is a really important point here- you and your reality is always operating on the law of attraction, no exceptions. So you can ask the angels and guides for help and protection to avoid the danger, but if you do not listen to and follow their guidance on it, then there is nothing more they can do. Your participation is required. Many people think if they simply say "OK yeah please help protect me" but without faith or even focus, then that is sufficient enough participation. Wrong. I learned this the hard way. You must have total faith, and connect to that energy of protection with following their guidance in order for the protection to be effective. Some people also ignore because they don't believe their angels and guides when they are warned of possible danger, because they don't feel like they are or they think they're invincible to stop it. I've seen people come into harms way because of these reasons. So if you have a strong feeling you shouldn't do something, please follow it!

Trusting Yourself

Learning to trust yourself is important to master with interpreting and following guidance. Thoughts like worry, fear, and desperation are ego serving and logic serving, and are blocks to receiving and understanding true Divine guidance. You can't believe everything that you think, because you're thoughts aren't always the truth. I used to clearly receive guidance, but since it was subtle, I  ignored it because the steps seemed unimportant or unrelated to what I was trying to manifest. I allowed my thoughts of logic to override what I was feeling. If only I had taken the simple steps of posting pictures of my makeup stash, it would have unfolded to a big manifestation of something I had been asking for. That is why it is so important to be a relaxed state with positive, and happy thoughts, so you can recognize what your intuition is trying to tell you. Thoughts of fear, worry, doubt, and desperation will block that since the guidance is on the higher frequencies of love, faith, and serenity, it just won't be possible to accurately receive and interpret the guidance. The lower energies associated with fear generate those negative thoughts. And those thoughts you maintain within you by giving them focused attention, and you continue to make choices and decisions based on these fearful thoughts, which just ending up keeping to confuse and frustrate you. Fear often disguises itself as logic, and is quite often our downfall. So clearing your energy will help to dissipate those thoughts so you can be tuned into the flow of your intuition much more clearly. This is why its a good idea to meditate while asking for and expecting guidance. 

Interpreting Guidance

When you have done your part and know that you have made your goals and requests clear to the Universe, and you feel you can trust yourself, you are now starting to see sparks of life and beginning to receive the intuitive guidance. So this is where many people get blocked. They think that the guidance seems too easy or simple. They expect a loud voice or other obvious signs. While sometimes the signs can be obvious, the guidance is usually pretty subtle. People try too hard to get the guidance, desperately forcing things to be signs when they are not. Guidance never will come while you are desperate for it (desperation stems from fear), and you won't hope something is a sign, you will know. Guidance will come TO you, you must be in a receiving mode. This is why it's important to get your energy clear so you will be able to make that distinction accurately. So the guidance will come with a sense of direction, because it's on that specific string of energy which is holding that new reality.

Now this is where another block usually comes in. I will give you another personal example. I had asked the Universe for more abundance and moving to a new home. I later began seeing the word "travel" pop up everywhere around me. So I knew that this was in response to my request and part of the guidance of my next steps. But I became fearful that I didn't specifically know what it meant, and became too obsessed trying to figure out what I was supposed to do, and afraid that I would miss the opportunity. And that manifestation never unfolded because of those reasons. Fear blocks guidance! All of those feelings I was experiencing were from fear, and too much of my time and focus was spent with that fear that that is why the manifestation didn't unfold for me. This process is meant to be light, happy, and feel good. What I should have done was cleared my energy and changed my thoughts to more calm, grateful ones. Because the guidance will continue to come if you stay in that good energy. And if I had, more signs and opportunities would have came that would have eventually led me to follow the guidance and physically manifest that desire.


Being an Empath

I also want to touch upon another point when interpreting Divine guidance. If you are very sensitive or empathic, then you easily pick up everyone else's energies. And that can be super confusing when you are in the process of trying to receive and interpret your intuitive guidance because you can't tell if it's your emotion or if you picked it up from someone else! There have been so many times where this became a block for me. My angels and guides would keep trying to tell me that the energy and emotions I was feeling were in fact not of my own origin, but from other peoples. And it took me a while to believe them because it feels so real, and because sometimes it is from yourself. This is why it is vital that you meditate, clear, and protect your energy daily. You don't want to let other peoples "stuff" block you from moving forward, as I had. It will be very liberating when you finally remove and clear out those energies, knowing that it wasn't you all along, and you will feel like yourself again and be able to move forward. Some energy clearing and protection practices include:

  • Taking salt baths, preferably with essential oils for at least 20 minutes, detoxes not only your physical body, but your energy body as well, removing anything you picked up from other people.
  • Using crystals like black tourmaline, obsidian, selenite, pyrite, labadorite, or amethyst will create powerful energy shields to keep energy vampires from draining or attacking your energy.
  • Doing chakra, cord cutting, and grounding meditations daily.
  • Going out into nature is very cleansing and healing for empaths.
  • Listening to reiki, singing bowls, or crystal bowls music.
  • Using essential oils in a diffuser such as lavender, rose, frankincense, or sage.
Whichever methods you choose, be consistent and follow you emotions on which you feel works best for you, as long as you feel the difference and that it helps. 

False Guidance

So like I said in the beginning of this blog, I know that all of you are super gifted intuitives, readers, and healers of all kinds, and you may even have been on this journey for quite some time. But sometimes we can get stuck, or just need a general refresher reminding us of the truth. So all kinds of beings and spirits are in the spirit world, some of the Light and love, some not. The ones of higher vibrations are ones of love and Light, and everything else is of lower vibration. When you attract lower vibration spirits and beings, they can cause some trouble because they want to run your life for you instead of wandering around. When these entities or lower spirits are with you, they can appear as your own thoughts and feelings, or as "real" guides. So when you start focusing on things like overly criticizing others, seeing yourself as superior or special, focusing on too much on drama, and other negative thoughts, you could be under the influence of these false guides. Since they desire to control you, they will be pushy and bossy, and make it seem like they are all important beings that you must obey, which is not true. They really have no power and can simply cleared from you. These false guides will encourage you to feel victimized and to blame others for your problems, so that you will distance yourself from others. Their energy has a harassing feeling to it, versus true angels and guides who communicate subtly, patient, calm, and lovingly. They will also encourage forgiveness and learning lessons instead of victimization and blame.

What Attracts Negative Entities/Spirits 

  • Addictions of any sort.
  • Being passive and unfocused in your goals and priorities.
  • Heavy stress & being in an emotionally weakened state.
  • Having weak and unhealthy boundaries
  • Being chronically negative.
It's best to have focus on positive goals and actively working toward them, because that raises your vibration with the energies of hope, excitement and self respect. Also unfocused attention and energy basically opens you up to letting anyone control you, since you don't have a solid direction. And according to the law of attraction, like attracts like, so negative thoughts and feelings will attract those even in the spirit world, since its all energy. Switching and changing your energy and thoughts/words to positive will in fact diminish these spirits attracting and being around you. And you can say a prayer asking the spirit or entity to go into the Light, to command them to leave, or ask God to help you get rid of them. You are powerful, never forget this power. And going forward, always remembering to be clear in who you are connecting with and asking for guidance, so that only beings and true love and Light can come through every single time.

I learned this the hard way. When I was fairly new on my spiritual path, a soul sister and I would do angel cards together all the time. We had the ascended masters book and cards so we would call upon all kinds of other beings for guidance. One day I got sick of naming them all and said "Anybody out there, what guidance do you have for us?" Well that was an invitation for literally any type of being to come in. And what came in were some very low and dangerous entities, that actually tried to harm my friend. She had received what she thought was guidance from Archangel Michael telling her to go on a date with a guy that was her soul mate. My friend at that time had been a bit desperate for a relationship, so since she thought it was coming from Archangel Michael, and really wanted to be with a soul mate, she followed what this being told her to do. She received "signs" like seeing his name places, so she trusted this guidance. This person she went out with tried to harm her, but luckily she got out of it in time. Later she got a reading from a true lightworker, who explained that the invitation I made during that reading created some dark energy portal and advised us to move out of there ASAP. He also explained how false guides can in fact disguise themselves as Archangel Michael, your guardian angels, or even God. He then told us how to receive true guidance, which means being grounded and positive, and basically everything I have said so far. Ever since this lesson, I have always been on my toes and been able to detect if something is trying to mess with me and when I'm getting actual signs from true angels and the Universe. It can be a bit tricky at first, but with practice and learning to be sensitive to what those energies on both spectrum feels like will enable you to use your power to filter what comes into contact with you. A very important tool.

Taking Action

OK, now that you've accurately received the guidance, and you are in the flow just like you're supposed to be, it is time to take action where you are guided to take it. It is very important that when you are taking action, that you are taking it with that good energy, in connection with that very specific flow in total faith, trust, and positive expectations. Acting as if it is already your reality. Timing is also key. You can't delay or wait too long, because sometimes the way the manifestation is being set up, there is only a short window of opportunity- alignment. As long as you are in alignment with this, then that's good. If you wait too long and the momentum of that good energy has died down too much, then you will be out of alignment and the action won't bring you to your desire. I've also experienced this. I was guided to take quick action on something, but because I doubted and had fear, I didn't take action until it was way too late. Sometimes the fear comes up because what we are being guided to do seems totally illogical, and that's when we are in our head too much. We must follow our feelings, our emotions. If it seems illogical but if feels really good, then it means the energy is in alignment and to go for it. Follow your feelings, not your thoughts because the Universe is rearranging things for you along with those feelings which you cannot see yet because you are in the process of taking the steps, which is why it appears illogical.

Free Will

The Universe operates on many laws that we all must abide by that are put in place by the Creator. So just as there is the law of attraction, there is also the law of free will. Now I wanted to touch upon this from a recent experience and lesson from myself and from someone I know. So going back to a block I described earlier about how I confused what I thought were my angels and guides guidance and how I felt confused on the guidance. So fear energy and perspective, along with trying to communicate with guides and follow guidance correctly can create circumstances in which it feels like you aren't allowed to do anything. My own fears were creating this energy, and combined with some false guidance, it seemed as if there were no possible other options. My spiritual friend also ended up in this similar type of circumstance, because this person described to me that they felt that their "free will had been stripped from them". So this is where it gets tricky. What was happening in both of these situations is that the desperation mentality and energy created a negative situation where we ended up in low energy. WE CREATED IT. We gave our power away when we said that the angels and guides want or don't want us to do something, because that is incorrect. What is happening in this situation is that we were so desperate that we couldn't hear the positive guidance at all, it was completely drowned out, so we were not taking any action at all, and remaining stuck in a waiting sort of state and energy. Waiting for the guidance to come, change, or for the guides to do something for us. When this happens, it means that you are giving your power away and not working on taking action and focusing on manifesting positive things. All you have to do is intend and manifest with faith, to create anything you wish. Heck your guidance could be telling you to start writing a book, but if the next day you decide you want to be a professional surfer and put all your focus and manifesting power on creating that, you can do it. You have free will and are able to choose your words, what you focus on, and what you do to change any circumstances that you are in. The angels and guides are just trying to help you with what situation you are in, and you do not have to do what they suggest. It took me a while to realized this after being in that situation for a long time. I was reading a book about the law of attraction which helped to spark and refresh my memory about the power that we all hold. So you must understand and know that no matter where you are, at any given moment you can manifest anything you need or desire. Yes some situations may be more difficult than others, but that is simply a creation you made and you can change it. It is only the limiting beliefs of fear that we hold that keep us from using and knowing this power. Always remember that you always have access to this power and use it to change anything you want to at any time, now that's the truth!

So this was a very important topic that I've been wanting to discuss and share for a while, because I come in contact with a lot of people who don't know how to discern what's from their own desperation and what is actual intuitive guidance and how to follow it properly, continually leaving them very confused, hopeless, and frustrated wanting to give up altogether. But there is no need to give up! All you have to do is make a few simple changes like focusing on and speaking positively, and learning to pray and word your prayers to be clear and direct, and not taking in false nonsense allowing yourself to be distracted. These simple changes will make a significant impact if done properly and consistently. Be strict with what you allow into your energy. Some excellent resources for more on this subject are the books "Ask Your Guides" by Sonia Choquette, and if you can find it, Doreen Virtues "The Angel Therapy Handbook". So please go check those out, and start grounding your energy, doing meditations and other energy clearing and protection techniques to help you with this and you will be golden. 
I really hope this helped you in some way and I am thrilled to be of service to you. Thank you so much for reading today and see you next time.
   Sending you love and light,




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