Intentions: Why Do They Matter?

Greetings all!
        Have you ever heard people say "set your intentions?" Now that spirituality and meditation is growing, lots of people are throwing the phrase around. But do you really know what it means? I didn't at first. And there is a more deeper meaning to it than meets the eye (so to speak) than doing it for a simple meditation or prayer. Your intentions are your integrity. They are what you're really meaning to do and accomplish from doing so.

Use that as a formula for when you are making your intentions: 
-What place are you coming from when making this choice?
-What are you desiring to accomplish from doing so?

        So intentions could be coming from surface emotions, like anger or jealously and intending to hurt someone and feel satisfied from doing so. When intentions come from the heart, from love, then what you are trying to accomplish is something of service, not expecting anything in return, at least not in a Self-serving ego manner. How extremely powerful is that? Let's go into that deeper.

        So most of you are probably thinking of typical and obvious scenarios in which you would question your intentions and integrity, such as intending to cause someone harm, or experiences in which you or someone you know had good intentions with a situation but it went wrong. But intentions are in every single, seemingly small decisions you make daily. Let me give you a few examples. Once when I was trying to manifest abundance, I had actually manifested this expensive facial oil that was amazing. I had put it in my medicine cabinet with the rest of my skincare products, but I wasn't using it. I was afraid of running out and not being able to buy another bottle. My spirit guides brought to my attention why I wasn't using this beautiful facial oil that I wanted. They told me, "no, use it!" They were showing me what my intentions were behind the decision to not use the oil, which were fear and lack. Going back to the formula, the place I was coming from in this situation was fear, fear that I would run out. And second half of the intention "formula" is that I was desiring to accomplish lack by hoarding what I have. I can think of so many other objects I have hoarded out of fear, old clothes, and objects that have no use anymore. It sounds so simple, but look into your life and home where you are choosing to hold onto things, and your intentions behind those choices. Why do you still have those old pants that don't fit? You can buy more. When you can emotionally and physically let go, those are intentions of faith that more good can come into your life.

        Now there is an important point here that I touched upon in my previous 'Affirmations' blog. If I did choose to use the facial oil but the intention was still because I felt like I should because I am trying to manifest abundance, then that also would not work because there would still be guilt and a feeling of obligation when using it. This is where so many people have problems with spending money, they try to convince themselves that it will work out, that more money will somehow come or they need something so it doesn't matter how much it costs. Convincing yourself by trying to cover up your true intention will never work. You can gauge your intentions by how they make you feel. If you feel truly and completely safe spending your money, no matter how much or on what, then your intentions are of love. THERE IS NO FEAR IN LOVE. If you still feel a little guilt when spending money, then there is still fear there. How do you feel when making your decisions? Does it feel good on your self esteem, energetically, emotionally? That is how you gauge where your intentions are coming from. Also be aware of the difference between feeling satisfied and feeling truly good and happy. Satisfying is a means covering up negative emotions and the root of a problem with temporarily experiencing a desire fulfilled. Feeling good is based in love, so there is no problem to begin with because it's heart- serving, not ego serving, and like I said, you won't expect anything in return. And when you dig deeper on what your intentions are and where they are coming from and why (keep asking yourself these questions), it all comes down to belief. You can read more about this topic in my previous blog: "Affirmations and The Law of Attraction":

        So as forms of energy, thoughts carry intentions. As a reminder, or if you are unaware, everything is energy. Everything is made up of energy and contains energy, from your thoughts and feelings, to objects, people and places. So I want to talk about the intentions of your thoughts, and the incredible impact they have and how to use them lovingly aside from trying to manifest. You have free will, and you have the ability to choose. I'm talking about using the intentions of your thoughts to better yourself and everyone and the world. When you have a negative thought, that energy sends out and affects you and others, even if its not directed at anyone other than yourself, negativity is still being put out.

        When you do have a negative thought that is directed at someone, they are at some level affected by it. For example, when you pity someone, and send out that hopeless "I feel sorry for you, what a misfortune" thought and energy towards them, you are not helping them, you are disempowering them. I am referring to the type of pity such as a shame or believing someone has bad luck. (This is different than having true compassion, which is coming from a place of understanding and love). When you think this way when having pity on someone and their situation, you are feeding more into it, and helping keep them just where they are. So back to the formula: What place are you coming from here? Likely something like disappointment. What are you desiring to accomplish? Affirming that they are powerless, therefor making you feel more powerful and better about yourself.

        You may be thinking "well, what else would I do?" My answer to this is change your beliefs that anything is possible for anyone. Hold the intention towards that person to be of love, of service- EMPOWER them in your thoughts! So change the thought from "oh what a pity, my son will never find love, he's been hurt too much" to "everything will work out for him, he's a great man", and truly believe that so your intention will be of service to HIM, not self serving your ego and disempowering him too. You see the difference in this? I use this example because we all have experienced people looking down on us for something, whether it be our financial situation, health, relationship from our family and other people in our lives. How do you feel when people look down on you like that? It is not a good feeling... so don't do it to others. Choose to empower others, and to look for the silver lining. I literally will say these types of thoughts in my head so my intentions remain pure of love. Sometimes I will even say my reason of why I am having the empowering thought with the thought itself if I feel like I may lean towards a negative intention. For example, if I see someone have success in something I want and have been working towards, I will literally say something in my head like "I am happy for your success. Just because I haven't worked on my own fears yet, which has nothing to do with you, you earned what you worked for, I am proud of you and you deserve it" and I mean it. Alright keep practicing, and back to the formula: When responding to hearing about someone else's success here, what place am I coming from? Praise. What am I hoping to accomplish by doing so? Supporting this person. Both of these answers stem from love, so the intention is positive. Let's take this a step further... how does this response and intention feel? It feels good. I will even use someone else's success as inspiration for my own life, and decide to be grateful for showing me that anything is possible. Yes this may seem like a long description for an intention, but that is part of the process that goes on in the mind when choosing intentions.


         People can sense your true intentions and thoughts, even if you never say or do anything either. We are intuitive beings, and can sense so much more than we give credit for. So you may have believed that your inner thoughts and intentions don't really matter or affect others because they are just thoughts and you never do anything about them. Wrong. Your energy does affect them. That's why I've been wanting to write this blog because of the importance of how powerful and impactful our thoughts have. Too many people are having too many negative and destructive thoughts out there which are not only not helping anyone, but it's creating more harm in the world. It is time to be responsible for our thoughts and intentions and start making big changes now if we want to live happy and healthy lives in a safe world. Now I am not saying you are not allowed to have negative thoughts or be angry if you are going through personal growth because it happens, we are human. What I am saying is to choose love and positive intentions and thoughts as much as you possibly can because you do have a choice. It may not be the easy choice, but it is still available to choose. Stop giving your power away.

        So, you can begin to see how intentions are part of every single choice you make, even something as unimportant as using a facial oil in a nighttime skincare routine. I invite you to apply these questions to your own life and dig deeper to see where you are headed with what you are manifesting and start working on making changes. Work on changing your beliefs and healing blocks, follow what feels good and right. When you heal your beliefs on what you deserve and work on forgiveness and all other blocks to love, you will receive clarity so that it becomes much easier to make intentions based from love and goodness, and your authenticity will pay off for everyone involved. Do your part, we need you! 

To summarize: Choose POSITIVE and empowering thoughts towards yourself and others!

Here is a fantastic chart outlining Love vs. Fear to help with differentiation:

       Thank you so much for stopping by. I am so grateful to have you in our community... you matter!  

    Sending so much love and light,


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