
The Best Protective Crystals

Welcome all!  So today I want to share with you what I consider the top most protective crystals for shielding and energetic protection. This is coming from what I've learned from my research and from personal experience with my own intuitive guidance. Good energy protection, clearing, and overall energy management practices are essential to empaths, healers, and other energy sensitive people. You are one of these types of people if: You easily can sense others emotions. You feel down and you can't figure out why/shake it off. Others look to you for upliftment, then leaving you feeling drained.  Having the sense of wanting to move forward but energetically feel stuck. So if you feel like you fit into this range, then working with and using protective crystals will be very beneficial to you, and will help to keep you balanced on a daily basis. Now we can dive into the details of how this is going to work and what you need to do to start your relationship w

Channeled Message From Mother Earth

Hello good friends! So today I am here to bring you something different. I was sitting in my car outside of the local plant shop I go to regularly when I began to receive a channeled message from Mother Earth herself. Which was appropriate, as I openly connect with the plants and flowers there, so I am able to hear this much more clearly. There is not much else to say, so I'll go right ahead and give you the message. Wednesday, August 22, 2018 From Mother Earth: I am tired, very sad, and in pain. I am struggling to keep things going along. I desire to reconnect with my human family in a healthy, respectful, and nurturing relationship . I want to provide for you, to care for my children, but feel taken advantage of, unappreciated, unacknowledged, and forgotten . I try to listen, support, and provide, but my offers go unheard and unnoticed, resulting in deep pain. It only takes a few moments, simple steps to say a prayer of gratitude and connect with Me. The acknowledgem

Following Guidance with Manifesting

Hello again friends!   Happy to have you back! Today I want to share with you everything I've learned about working with the law of attraction, following intuitive guidance, and working with angels and spirit guides, and how they all fit into this process. So this post is going to be geared mostly to those with familiarity and some experience of these things already. I know you are all brilliant, intuitive creators and artists that may have been on this spiritual journey as long as me, if not longer, or you may be fairly new. I've been on my spiritual journey since 2011, and have learned a lot from all of my experiences and also through the experiences of my spiritual friends as well. Recently, I've heard of other people dealing with the same issues that I've already learned from, so I wanted to share and help you so you can learn from my lessons, and hopefully your journey can be easier and smoother because of it. So if you are a sensitive empath, healer,