
Showing posts from March, 2018

The Power of Affirmations and The Law of Attraction

So grateful to have you here today!         So today I want to talk to you about the magnificent power of using affirmations in your daily life and how they work with the law of attraction. I personally love using affirmations, and have done quite a bit of research on the law of attraction and manifestation processes. I have some valuable experience on my experimenting with this, and want to share what I've learned so far so that it will help you with the whole process and make it inspiring and easier to understand. I know that many people struggle and get stuck with the law of attraction, and I don't want anyone to give up. It can be tricky at first, especially with lots of confusing and even contradicting information out there, but this is what I have found throughout my years of diving into this practice, and I hope it will help you too!          So first off, if you have never heard of the law of attraction, I recommend you watch the film "The Secret" by Rh

I Quit College and Went to Beauty School

Hello again beautiful people!         So today I wanted to share with you my story of how I courageously dropped out of college to follow my dreams. This is something that is going against the norm in our society, so it was not easy to do. I really had to rely on my own intuition to guide me, and trust that everything was going to work out. These days, it seems that's getting harder and harder for people to do, so I hope that sharing how I was able to leave my comfort zone and take huge risks to follow my dreams, it will be able to help you too. And it was all completely worth it- I am glad I did it and am proud of where it has brought me today. The Beginning: A Lost, Hopeless Girl I am going to start by sharing a little overview of my life up until my turning point. I have one younger brother 2 years younger than me, and we both went to the same Catholic school together. I was an extremely shy, sensitive, and introverted teenager who didn't drink or do any sort of dr