
Showing posts from October, 2017

How to Feng Shui your Wallet for Attracting More Money

Welcome back everyone!         So today I want to share something fun with you that I did recently, and that is use feng shui when getting a brand new wallet. And I am super excited about it! I love and believe in feng shui, and have heard that you can use it in your wallet also. Your wallet is an important place in relation to your money. If there are ways to help me attract more money into my life that are as simple as "feng shuing" my wallet, why not give it a try? So I want to share my experience with this and how you can do it too.         If you are not exactly sure what feng shui is, let me help you out by starting there. The dictionary defines "feng shui" as:" In (Chinese thought) a system of laws considered to govern spatial arrangement and orientation in relation to the flow of energy (qi), and whose favorable or unfavorable effects are taken into account when siting and designing buildings". So everything is about energy, and in feng shui,

The Magical Benefits of Pink Himalayan Salt

Welcome back all you lovely people! So today I want to share with you an experience that was a delightful new discovery! A few weeks ago, I was given a nightlight with chucks of pink Himalayan rock salt in it. Well upon hearing the many benefits of p ink H imalayan s alt ( PHS ), I decided to put a few of the chunks into the bath with me to see what all the big fuss was about. I soaked in the tub for a hour or so and it was super relaxing and rejuvenating. The magic happened when I got out of the bath and began to really feel the effects of my soak. I felt so much more lighter, cleansed, and even healed! Being energy sensitive, I felt an energetic shift, resonating more with positive and happier energies. Physically I felt as if I could move easier, and felt a deeper sense of balance and well being. I felt like a new person! Before, I was feeling irritated, heavy, had trouble breathing, and was physically aching all over. I have PCOS, and my pelvic area felt surprisingly much bett