
Showing posts from October, 2018

The Best Protective Crystals

Welcome all!  So today I want to share with you what I consider the top most protective crystals for shielding and energetic protection. This is coming from what I've learned from my research and from personal experience with my own intuitive guidance. Good energy protection, clearing, and overall energy management practices are essential to empaths, healers, and other energy sensitive people. You are one of these types of people if: You easily can sense others emotions. You feel down and you can't figure out why/shake it off. Others look to you for upliftment, then leaving you feeling drained.  Having the sense of wanting to move forward but energetically feel stuck. So if you feel like you fit into this range, then working with and using protective crystals will be very beneficial to you, and will help to keep you balanced on a daily basis. Now we can dive into the details of how this is going to work and what you need to do to start your relationship w