
Showing posts from August, 2018

Channeled Message From Mother Earth

Hello good friends! So today I am here to bring you something different. I was sitting in my car outside of the local plant shop I go to regularly when I began to receive a channeled message from Mother Earth herself. Which was appropriate, as I openly connect with the plants and flowers there, so I am able to hear this much more clearly. There is not much else to say, so I'll go right ahead and give you the message. Wednesday, August 22, 2018 From Mother Earth: I am tired, very sad, and in pain. I am struggling to keep things going along. I desire to reconnect with my human family in a healthy, respectful, and nurturing relationship . I want to provide for you, to care for my children, but feel taken advantage of, unappreciated, unacknowledged, and forgotten . I try to listen, support, and provide, but my offers go unheard and unnoticed, resulting in deep pain. It only takes a few moments, simple steps to say a prayer of gratitude and connect with Me. The acknowledgem