
Showing posts from February, 2018

Eating For Your Chakras: Fruits and Veggies for Soul and Body Healing

Welcome everyone!      If you are directed to this post from my freebie Healing Beauty Meditation, then you are in the right place. And to everyone else, welcome to the blog! Happy to have you join us.         Today I want to share with you some of the fruits and vegetables that correspond to each chakra that you can consume for some nice replenishing, balancing, and healing work for your chakra system. I am only mentioning fruits and veggies (particularly raw) and not all foods because of the incredible healing powers that raw foods have. FOOD IS MEDICINE. And raw fruits and vegetables literally contain life force energy in them, since they are fresh from the earth. So this is very beneficial since the chakras ARE energy, and a nice, fresh dose of life force energy in the form of food corresponding to the chakras is very replenishing energetically and physically!         And like I said, food is medicine. Fruits and vegetables contain many real vitamins and minerals, and important